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下面是小编整理的关于双语诗歌翻译:翟永明 重阳登高 的资料,希望你会喜欢!

重阳登高——遍插茱萸少一人翟永明思亲问题  友爱问题一切问题中最动人的全都是登高的问题都是会当临绝顶时把盏的问题今朝一人  我与谁长谈?

遥望远处 据称是江北白练入川是一条,还是两条?

汇向何处  都让我喜欢在江北以远  是无数美人男人们登高  都想得到她们尽管千年之内  哺乳动物和人类  倒一直保持着生态平衡今朝我一人把盏  江山变色青色三春消耗了我九九这个数字  如今又要轮回我的血脉远处一俯一仰的山峰赤裸着跳入我怀中我将只有毫无用处地享受艳阳思伤脾  醉也伤脾飒飒风声几万?


饮酒入喉  它落到身体最深处情欲和生死问题离别和健康问题也入喉即化  也落到最深处它们变得敏捷  又绵密它们醉了  也无处不在一九九九年九月初九登南京栖霞山Climbing Hills on the Double Ninth FestivalZhai YongmingQuestions of missing one’'s family  questions of loveAll the most moving questionsare questions of climbing hillsand questions of making toastswhile standing on the highest peakIn the current age  with whom can I speak at lengthLooking into the distance  they say it’s JiangbeiDo the white strands enter the river  as one stream or twoThe Hui River brings me delight  wherever it flowsBeyond Jiangbei  are innumerable beautiesWhen men climb hills  they all think of themeven though mammals  and humanshave maintained ecological balancefor the past thousand yearsI lift my wine glass alone  in the present age  rivers andmountains change colorThe green months of spring consume meDouble Nine: this number will againbe reincarnated in my veinsDistant variegated peaksnakedly leap into my breastNow all I can do is enjoy sunlight in vainThinking hurts my spleen  being drunk also hurts my spleenWhat are the myriad sounds of the soughing windWho will arrive from the echoesWine enters the throat  flowing into the body's deepest placesQuestions of sexual desire  life and deathQuestions of parting  and healthalso enter the throat  and are digested instantlybefore settling into the deepest placesThey become agile  meticulousThey get drunk  and exist everywhere(Jami Proctor-Xu 译)【双语诗歌翻译:翟永明·重阳登高 查看网站:[db:时间]】


