- 荷兰莱顿大学
- 西班牙巴塞罗那大学
- 巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
- 科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
- 南京大学 Nanjing University
- 上海复旦大学 Fudan University
- 泗水大学(Ubaya)
- 印尼大学 universitas indonesia
- 越南某大学 Vietnam National University
- 菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
热情的牧童对爱人说The Passionate Shepherd to His Love马 洛Christopher Marlowe马洛(Christopher Marlowe,1564-1593),文艺复兴时期英国戏剧家兼诗人,他改革了中世纪戏剧形式,继承了文艺复兴早期戏剧的优秀传统,创作了 帖木儿大帝 等一系列优秀悲剧作品,创造出文艺复兴时期的巨人形象,体现了人文主义精神和浪漫主义风格。
较为人们熟悉的就是这首 热情的牧童对爱人说 ,它以牧歌的形式描写诗人向姑娘表达爱慕之心,语言朴素洗练,感情强烈大胆,与当时许多情诗中的凄婉哀怨情调完全不同。
来跟我同住,做我的爱侣,Come live with me and be my Love,我们可以亲自来领取And we will all the pleasures prove峻峭的峰峦、林野和谷峪That hills and valleys, dale and field,给予我们的全部乐趣。
And all the craggy mountains yield.
我们可以同坐在岩石上,There will we sit upon the rocks看牧童牧放一群群牛羊,And see the shepherds feed their flocks,潺潺小溪边,涓涓细流旁,By shallow rivers, to whose falls听小鸟美妙的歌声回荡。
Melodious birds sing madrigals .
我为你用玫瑰做成床铺,There will I make thee beds of roses再编制千百个芬芳的花束;And a thousand fragrant posies,做一顶花帽,和一件全部A cap of flowers, and a kirtle用香桃花瓣绣边的裙裾;Embroider 'd all with leaves of myrtle.
一件细羊毛制成的长袍,A gown made of the finest wool,羊毛从绵羊的身上取到;Which from our pretty lambs we pull,防寒的拖鞋,镶漂亮边条,Fair lined slippers for the cold,鞋面的扣子用纯金制造;With buckles of the purest gold.
腰带是香草和藤苞织成,A belt of straw and ivy buds扣结是珊瑚,琥珀作饰品:With coral clasps and amber studs:如果这些能打动你的心,And if these pleasures may thee move,那就来同住,做我的爱人。
Come live with me and be my Love.
食物装满了你的银盘,Thy silver dishes for thy meat各种珍羞如诸神的饮宴,As precious as the gods do eat,杯盘放置在象牙桌上面,Shall on an ivory table be每天准备好,供你我进餐。
Prepared each day for thee and me.
牧童们在五月每天的早晨,The shepherd swains shall dance and sing要叫你高兴,就跳舞歌吟:For thy delight each May-morning:如果这些能打动你的心,If these delights thy mind may move,那就来同住,做我的爱人。
Then live with me and be my Love.
较为人们熟悉的就是这首 热情的牧童对爱人说 ,它以牧歌的形式描写诗人向姑娘表达爱慕之心,语言朴素洗练,感情强烈大胆,与当时许多情诗中的凄婉哀怨情调完全不同。
来跟我同住,做我的爱侣,Come live with me and be my Love,我们可以亲自来领取And we will all the pleasures prove峻峭的峰峦、林野和谷峪That hills and valleys, dale and field,给予我们的全部乐趣。
And all the craggy mountains yield.
我们可以同坐在岩石上,There will we sit upon the rocks看牧童牧放一群群牛羊,And see the shepherds feed their flocks,潺潺小溪边,涓涓细流旁,By shallow rivers, to whose falls听小鸟美妙的歌声回荡。
Melodious birds sing madrigals .
我为你用玫瑰做成床铺,There will I make thee beds of roses再编制千百个芬芳的花束;And a thousand fragrant posies,做一顶花帽,和一件全部A cap of flowers, and a kirtle用香桃花瓣绣边的裙裾;Embroider 'd all with leaves of myrtle.
一件细羊毛制成的长袍,A gown made of the finest wool,羊毛从绵羊的身上取到;Which from our pretty lambs we pull,防寒的拖鞋,镶漂亮边条,Fair lined slippers for the cold,鞋面的扣子用纯金制造;With buckles of the purest gold.
腰带是香草和藤苞织成,A belt of straw and ivy buds扣结是珊瑚,琥珀作饰品:With coral clasps and amber studs:如果这些能打动你的心,And if these pleasures may thee move,那就来同住,做我的爱人。
Come live with me and be my Love.
食物装满了你的银盘,Thy silver dishes for thy meat各种珍羞如诸神的饮宴,As precious as the gods do eat,杯盘放置在象牙桌上面,Shall on an ivory table be每天准备好,供你我进餐。
Prepared each day for thee and me.
牧童们在五月每天的早晨,The shepherd swains shall dance and sing要叫你高兴,就跳舞歌吟:For thy delight each May-morning:如果这些能打动你的心,If these delights thy mind may move,那就来同住,做我的爱人。
Then live with me and be my Love.
- 上一篇: 双语诗歌·最近的皮埃蒙大屠杀
- 下一篇: 双语诗歌·美 德