- 荷兰莱顿大学
- 西班牙巴塞罗那大学
- 巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
- 科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
- 南京大学 Nanjing University
- 上海复旦大学 Fudan University
- 泗水大学(Ubaya)
- 印尼大学 universitas indonesia
- 越南某大学 Vietnam National University
- 菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
冥想的人Il Penseroso弥尔顿John Milton去吧,徒然骗人的“欢愉”,Hence vain deluding Joys,“愚昧”的产儿,没有父亲的孽障!
The brood of Folly without father bred,把你所有的玩意儿全呈上How little you bestead,也难以使得坚定的心胸满意!
Or fill the fixed mind with all your toys;你可以住进懒散的脑袋,Dwell in some idle brain,幻想出愚蠢而花哨的种种造形,And fancies fond with gaudy shapes possess,光怪陆离,千姿百态,As thick and numberless像太阳光线里无数快活的微尘,As the gay motes that people the sunbeams ,更像那飘忽的梦境在摇摆,Or likest hovering dreams,做睡神行列里反复无常的侍臣。
The fickle pensioners of Morpheus'train.
But hail thou Goddess sage and holy ,无比庄严的“忧郁”,欢迎!
Hail, divinest Melancholy,你仪容圣洁,光芒太强烈,Whose saintly visage is too bright怕射伤世人敏感的眼睫,To hit the sense of human sight,你于是给我们柔弱的视觉And therefore to our weaker view加上稳重的“智慧”的暗色,O'erlaid with black, staid Wisdom's hue;但是这暗色,被认为尊贵,Black, but such as in esteem ,可媲美门农王子的妹妹,Prince Memnon's sister might beseem,也像那埃塞俄比亚王后—— Or that starred Ethiope queen that strove她夸耀自己美丽俊秀To set her beauty's praise above超过海仙女,把她们得罪:The sea nymphs , and their powers offended.
可是你出身远为高贵:Yet thou art higher far descended ;金发的威斯塔,在远古时代, Thee bright-haired Vesta long of yore她跟萨土恩生下你来, To solitary Saturn bore;她本是萨土恩之女,那时,His daughter she (in Saturn's reign这样的结合不算可耻:Such mixture was not held a stain).
朦胧的树荫下,枝叶扶苏,Oft in glimmering bowers and glades伊达山隐秘的密林深处, He met her, and in secret shades他时常在这里跟她幽会,Of woody Ida's inmost grove,那时还不用怕约夫作祟。
While yet there was no fear of Jove.
来吧,沉思的修女,你虔诚,Come pensive nun, devout and pure,纯洁,清醒,坚贞,娴静,Sober, steadfast , and demure,全身裹一件暗色的袍服,All in a robe of darkest grain,身后拖曳着庄严的裙裾,Flowing with majestic train,一条深黑色透明的纱巾And sable stole of cypress lawn披上你庄重的双肩正合身。
Over thy decent shoulders drawn.
来吧,保持你往常的尊严,Come, but keep thy wonted state,要神态沉吟,步履平缓,With even step and musing gait,你仰面朝天,与诸天交接,And looks commercing with the skies,你灵魂在你的眼睛里欢跃:Thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes:请牢固坚持圣洁的情操,There held in holy passion still,忘掉你自己,成一座石雕,Forget thyself to marble, till直到你忧伤地转移视线With a sad leaden downward cast牢牢地凝视着地上人间:Thou fix them on the earth as fast.
跟“和平”“宁静”的联谊要保持,And join with thee calm Peace and Quiet,斋戒时,跟诸神一同节食,Spare Fast, that oft with gods doth diet,聆听缪斯们围成个圆圈 And hears the Muses in a ring唱歌,绕着约夫的神坛:Aye round about Jove's altar sing.
还要添一份退隐的闲适,And add to these retired Leisure,到雅园秀苑,看赏心乐事:——That in trim gardens takes his pleasure;但是首要的事情却是But first, and chiefest, with thee bring请来那拍动金翅的天使Him that yon soars on golden wing,带领有火轮的宝座到此,Guiding the fiery-wheeled throne,他的名字就叫做“沉思”: The cherub Contemplatiòn ;还有那“静寂”不许声音响,And the mute Silence hist along,除非夜莺能屈尊唱一唱,Less Philomel will deign a song,夜莺那凄楚动听的歌喉In her sweetest, saddest plight ,能舒展“黑夜”深锁的眉头,Smoothing the rugged brow of night,辛西娅收紧驭龙的丝缰, While Cynthia checks her dragon yoke缓行在常见的橡树顶上。
Gently o'er th'accustomed oak;好鸟啊,你躲开愚蠢的喧嚷,Sweet bird that shunn'st the noise of folly,你的歌鸣最悦耳,最忧伤!
Most musical, most melancholy !
我常到树林中去Thee chantress oft the woods among追踪你,听你唱黄昏之曲;I woo to hear thy evensong;我没找到你,就悄悄步行,And missing thee, I walk unseen走上干爽而平坦的草坪,On the dry smooth-shaven green,抬头仰望那浪游的明月To behold the wandering moon,正驾车驶近她最高的天阙,Riding near her highest noon,仿佛她已经被引入迷途,Like one that had been led astray行经那浩茫无路的天宇,Through the heaven's wide pathless way;她似乎常常低下头来,And oft as if her head she bowed,穿过白云,俯身徘徊。
Stooping through a fleecy cloud.
我时常站在高坡平台上,Oft on a plat of rising ground,倾听那晚钟来自远方,I hear the far-off curfew sound钟声震荡在大水之湄,Over some wide-watered shore,音调沉郁,凄恻低回:Swinging slow with sullen roar;假如天时不许我踟蹰,Or if the air will not permit,我便另找个幽僻的去处,Some still removèd place will fit,屋内炉子里馀火未熄,Where glowing embers through the room火光暗淡,成一片阴翳:Teach light to counterfeit a gloom,对一切欢娱,都远远离开,Far from all resort of mirth,只有炉边的蟋蟀除外,Save the cricket on the hearth,或者听更夫催眠的咒语 Or the bellman's drowsy charm,在消灾祛祟,替家家祝福。
To bless the doors from nightly harm;或让我在午夜时分举灯Or let my lamp at midnight hour从高塔放出孤傲的光明,Be seen in some high lonely tower,我时常倚塔观测熊星座,Where I may oft outwatch the Bear,研读赫耳墨斯的巨作, ?
With thrice-great Hermes, or unsphere或唤醒柏拉图的魂灵来阐述 ?
The spirit of Plato to unfold是什么广阔的宇宙或疆土What words or what vast regions hold包容着永生不朽的心灵,The immortal mind that hath forsook那舍弃肉体皮囊的精神:Her mansion in this fleshly nook;或请他讲解水与土、火与风, ?
And of those demons that are found其中隐藏着什么精灵,In fire, air, flood, or under ground,而这些精灵有何等神力Whose power hath a true consent跟行星和元素和谐相契。
With planet, or with element.
有时我阅读雄壮的悲剧,Sometime let gorgeous Tragedy看权杖和王袍来往急遽,In sceptered pall come sweeping by,演出忒拜城,佩洛普斯族, ?
Presenting Thebes, or Pelops' line,或者神圣的特洛亚掌故; ?
Or the tale of Troy divine,也让我偶尔看一下近代Or what (though rare) of later age有什么悲剧登上舞台。
Ennobled hath the buskined stage.
可是,忧郁的贞女啊,愿你能But, O sad virgin, that thy power立即把缪秀斯从卧室唤醒, ?
Might raise Musaeus from his bower,或命令俄耳甫斯的魂灵 ?
Or bid the soul of Orpheus sing随琴弦起伏而婉转歌吟,Such notes as, warbled to the string,这样的歌曲,叫冥王眼泪流,Drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek,叫冥府答应爱情的要求!
And made Hell grant what Love did seek.
或唤起说故事人,继续讲完 ?
Or call up him that left half told那故事,描述勇猛的坎宾斯汗, ?
The story of Cambuscan bold,描述坎巴罗,阿尔加西夫,Of Camball and of Algarsife,讲讲谁娶了卡纳丝做媳妇, ?
And who had Canacee to wife,卡纳丝赢得了神戒指、魔镜;That owned the virtuous ring and glass,讲讲那铜马有神奇的本领,And of the wondrous horse of brass,鞑靼王骑着它到处驰骋:On which the Tartar king did ride;还要唤起其他的大诗人, ?
And if aught else great bards beside他们曾唱过庄严的圣曲,In sage and solemn tunes have sung,歌唱比武会,缴获的兵器,Of tourneys and of trophies hung,唱出森林和瘆人的妖术,Of forests and enchantments drear,歌里的弦外之音要领悟。
Where more is meant than meets the ear.
你挥洒青光看着我,Thus, Night, oft see me in thy pale career,直到素衣的“黎明”喷薄, ?
Till civil-suited Morn appear,她一如往常,不打扮,不梳妆,Not tricked and frounced as she was wont随雅典少年去打猎那样, ?
With the Attic boy to hunt,头上的鬓鬟在云中半掩,But kerchiefed in a comely cloud,任大风回旋奏响弦管,While rocking winds are piping loud,等到那狂飙已经吹够,Or ushered with a shower still,也可以来一阵豪雨急骤,When the gust hath blown his fill,雨将歇还落上窸窣的树叶,Ending on the rustling leaves,听屋檐滴水一声声不歇。
With minute drops from off the eaves.
这时候太阳升起来,放射And when the sun begins to fling万丈光芒,女神啊!
请带我His flaring beams, me, Goddess, bring到丛林深处阴蔽的小径,To arched walks of twilight groves,看林神钟爱的松柏浓影,And shadows brown that Sylvan loves或者参天的橡树高耸,Of pine or monumental oak,听不见丁丁砍伐的斧声,Where the rude ax with heaved stroke不会使山林女神们受惊,Was never heard the nymphs to daunt,使她们离开神圣的幽境。
Or fright them from their hallowed haunt.
请把我藏在溪边隐蔽处,There in close covert by some brook,不让鄙俗的眼睛来偷睹,Where no profaner eye may look,躲避开太阳刺眼的光芒,Hide me from day's garish eye,任腿沾花粉的蜜蜂来往,While the bee with honeyed thigh,唱着歌在花木丛中忙碌,That at her flowery work doth sing,听条条溪涧潺潺低诉,And the waters murmuring种种轻声成一片和音With such consort as they keep,引来轻如羽绒的睡神;Entice the dewy-feathered sleep;让睡神带来奇异的梦幻And let some strange mysterious dream如生动鲜活的画面展现,Wave at his wings in airy stream在他的羽翼上流水般潋滟,of lively portraiture displayed轻轻地印上我的眼帘:softly on my eyelids laid.
我醒来,有音乐无比美妙,And as I wake, sweet music breathe从上,从下,从四周涌到,Above, about, or underneath ,由林间无形的善心神灵Sent by some spirit to mortals good,或精怪送来给凡人聆听。
Or th'unseen genius of the wood.
但是我不会收起步履,But let my due feet never fail我走访沉静的教堂小区,To walk the studious cloister's pale,我爱那崇高的穹形屋顶,And love the high embowèd roof,古老的石柱,粗壮坚挺,With antic pillars massy proof,装饰着五彩故事的高窗,And storied windows richly dight,放进宗教的幽暗微光:Casting a dim religious light.
这里有风琴响亮地奏鸣,There let the pealing organ blow下面的唱诗班合唱和声,To the full-voiced choir below,虔诚的圣诗,清亮的颂歌,In service high and anthems clear,在我的耳朵里美妙谐和,As may with sweetness, through mine ear,使我销魂于狂喜极乐,Dissolve me into ecstasies ,在我的眼前便出现天国。
And bring all heaven before mine eyes.
但愿我能在衰老的晚年And may at last my weary age找到一座宁静的修道院,Find out the peaceful hermitage,粗拙的袍服,生苔的小屋,The hairy gown and mossy cell,我坐在那里,专心研读Where I may sit and rightly spell一个个星象在天上争辉,Of every star that heaven doth shew,一棵棵草木吸饮露水;And every herb that sips the dew,直到成熟的经验累积,Till old experience do attain能获得类似先知的品质。
To something like prophetic strain.
假如你提供这些佳趣,These pleasures, Melancholy, give,“忧郁”啊,我愿意跟你共居。
And I with thee will choose to live.
The brood of Folly without father bred,把你所有的玩意儿全呈上How little you bestead,也难以使得坚定的心胸满意!
Or fill the fixed mind with all your toys;你可以住进懒散的脑袋,Dwell in some idle brain,幻想出愚蠢而花哨的种种造形,And fancies fond with gaudy shapes possess,光怪陆离,千姿百态,As thick and numberless像太阳光线里无数快活的微尘,As the gay motes that people the sunbeams ,更像那飘忽的梦境在摇摆,Or likest hovering dreams,做睡神行列里反复无常的侍臣。
The fickle pensioners of Morpheus'train.
But hail thou Goddess sage and holy ,无比庄严的“忧郁”,欢迎!
Hail, divinest Melancholy,你仪容圣洁,光芒太强烈,Whose saintly visage is too bright怕射伤世人敏感的眼睫,To hit the sense of human sight,你于是给我们柔弱的视觉And therefore to our weaker view加上稳重的“智慧”的暗色,O'erlaid with black, staid Wisdom's hue;但是这暗色,被认为尊贵,Black, but such as in esteem ,可媲美门农王子的妹妹,Prince Memnon's sister might beseem,也像那埃塞俄比亚王后—— Or that starred Ethiope queen that strove她夸耀自己美丽俊秀To set her beauty's praise above超过海仙女,把她们得罪:The sea nymphs , and their powers offended.
可是你出身远为高贵:Yet thou art higher far descended ;金发的威斯塔,在远古时代, Thee bright-haired Vesta long of yore她跟萨土恩生下你来, To solitary Saturn bore;她本是萨土恩之女,那时,His daughter she (in Saturn's reign这样的结合不算可耻:Such mixture was not held a stain).
朦胧的树荫下,枝叶扶苏,Oft in glimmering bowers and glades伊达山隐秘的密林深处, He met her, and in secret shades他时常在这里跟她幽会,Of woody Ida's inmost grove,那时还不用怕约夫作祟。
While yet there was no fear of Jove.
来吧,沉思的修女,你虔诚,Come pensive nun, devout and pure,纯洁,清醒,坚贞,娴静,Sober, steadfast , and demure,全身裹一件暗色的袍服,All in a robe of darkest grain,身后拖曳着庄严的裙裾,Flowing with majestic train,一条深黑色透明的纱巾And sable stole of cypress lawn披上你庄重的双肩正合身。
Over thy decent shoulders drawn.
来吧,保持你往常的尊严,Come, but keep thy wonted state,要神态沉吟,步履平缓,With even step and musing gait,你仰面朝天,与诸天交接,And looks commercing with the skies,你灵魂在你的眼睛里欢跃:Thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes:请牢固坚持圣洁的情操,There held in holy passion still,忘掉你自己,成一座石雕,Forget thyself to marble, till直到你忧伤地转移视线With a sad leaden downward cast牢牢地凝视着地上人间:Thou fix them on the earth as fast.
跟“和平”“宁静”的联谊要保持,And join with thee calm Peace and Quiet,斋戒时,跟诸神一同节食,Spare Fast, that oft with gods doth diet,聆听缪斯们围成个圆圈 And hears the Muses in a ring唱歌,绕着约夫的神坛:Aye round about Jove's altar sing.
还要添一份退隐的闲适,And add to these retired Leisure,到雅园秀苑,看赏心乐事:——That in trim gardens takes his pleasure;但是首要的事情却是But first, and chiefest, with thee bring请来那拍动金翅的天使Him that yon soars on golden wing,带领有火轮的宝座到此,Guiding the fiery-wheeled throne,他的名字就叫做“沉思”: The cherub Contemplatiòn ;还有那“静寂”不许声音响,And the mute Silence hist along,除非夜莺能屈尊唱一唱,Less Philomel will deign a song,夜莺那凄楚动听的歌喉In her sweetest, saddest plight ,能舒展“黑夜”深锁的眉头,Smoothing the rugged brow of night,辛西娅收紧驭龙的丝缰, While Cynthia checks her dragon yoke缓行在常见的橡树顶上。
Gently o'er th'accustomed oak;好鸟啊,你躲开愚蠢的喧嚷,Sweet bird that shunn'st the noise of folly,你的歌鸣最悦耳,最忧伤!
Most musical, most melancholy !
我常到树林中去Thee chantress oft the woods among追踪你,听你唱黄昏之曲;I woo to hear thy evensong;我没找到你,就悄悄步行,And missing thee, I walk unseen走上干爽而平坦的草坪,On the dry smooth-shaven green,抬头仰望那浪游的明月To behold the wandering moon,正驾车驶近她最高的天阙,Riding near her highest noon,仿佛她已经被引入迷途,Like one that had been led astray行经那浩茫无路的天宇,Through the heaven's wide pathless way;她似乎常常低下头来,And oft as if her head she bowed,穿过白云,俯身徘徊。
Stooping through a fleecy cloud.
我时常站在高坡平台上,Oft on a plat of rising ground,倾听那晚钟来自远方,I hear the far-off curfew sound钟声震荡在大水之湄,Over some wide-watered shore,音调沉郁,凄恻低回:Swinging slow with sullen roar;假如天时不许我踟蹰,Or if the air will not permit,我便另找个幽僻的去处,Some still removèd place will fit,屋内炉子里馀火未熄,Where glowing embers through the room火光暗淡,成一片阴翳:Teach light to counterfeit a gloom,对一切欢娱,都远远离开,Far from all resort of mirth,只有炉边的蟋蟀除外,Save the cricket on the hearth,或者听更夫催眠的咒语 Or the bellman's drowsy charm,在消灾祛祟,替家家祝福。
To bless the doors from nightly harm;或让我在午夜时分举灯Or let my lamp at midnight hour从高塔放出孤傲的光明,Be seen in some high lonely tower,我时常倚塔观测熊星座,Where I may oft outwatch the Bear,研读赫耳墨斯的巨作, ?
With thrice-great Hermes, or unsphere或唤醒柏拉图的魂灵来阐述 ?
The spirit of Plato to unfold是什么广阔的宇宙或疆土What words or what vast regions hold包容着永生不朽的心灵,The immortal mind that hath forsook那舍弃肉体皮囊的精神:Her mansion in this fleshly nook;或请他讲解水与土、火与风, ?
And of those demons that are found其中隐藏着什么精灵,In fire, air, flood, or under ground,而这些精灵有何等神力Whose power hath a true consent跟行星和元素和谐相契。
With planet, or with element.
有时我阅读雄壮的悲剧,Sometime let gorgeous Tragedy看权杖和王袍来往急遽,In sceptered pall come sweeping by,演出忒拜城,佩洛普斯族, ?
Presenting Thebes, or Pelops' line,或者神圣的特洛亚掌故; ?
Or the tale of Troy divine,也让我偶尔看一下近代Or what (though rare) of later age有什么悲剧登上舞台。
Ennobled hath the buskined stage.
可是,忧郁的贞女啊,愿你能But, O sad virgin, that thy power立即把缪秀斯从卧室唤醒, ?
Might raise Musaeus from his bower,或命令俄耳甫斯的魂灵 ?
Or bid the soul of Orpheus sing随琴弦起伏而婉转歌吟,Such notes as, warbled to the string,这样的歌曲,叫冥王眼泪流,Drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek,叫冥府答应爱情的要求!
And made Hell grant what Love did seek.
或唤起说故事人,继续讲完 ?
Or call up him that left half told那故事,描述勇猛的坎宾斯汗, ?
The story of Cambuscan bold,描述坎巴罗,阿尔加西夫,Of Camball and of Algarsife,讲讲谁娶了卡纳丝做媳妇, ?
And who had Canacee to wife,卡纳丝赢得了神戒指、魔镜;That owned the virtuous ring and glass,讲讲那铜马有神奇的本领,And of the wondrous horse of brass,鞑靼王骑着它到处驰骋:On which the Tartar king did ride;还要唤起其他的大诗人, ?
And if aught else great bards beside他们曾唱过庄严的圣曲,In sage and solemn tunes have sung,歌唱比武会,缴获的兵器,Of tourneys and of trophies hung,唱出森林和瘆人的妖术,Of forests and enchantments drear,歌里的弦外之音要领悟。
Where more is meant than meets the ear.
你挥洒青光看着我,Thus, Night, oft see me in thy pale career,直到素衣的“黎明”喷薄, ?
Till civil-suited Morn appear,她一如往常,不打扮,不梳妆,Not tricked and frounced as she was wont随雅典少年去打猎那样, ?
With the Attic boy to hunt,头上的鬓鬟在云中半掩,But kerchiefed in a comely cloud,任大风回旋奏响弦管,While rocking winds are piping loud,等到那狂飙已经吹够,Or ushered with a shower still,也可以来一阵豪雨急骤,When the gust hath blown his fill,雨将歇还落上窸窣的树叶,Ending on the rustling leaves,听屋檐滴水一声声不歇。
With minute drops from off the eaves.
这时候太阳升起来,放射And when the sun begins to fling万丈光芒,女神啊!
请带我His flaring beams, me, Goddess, bring到丛林深处阴蔽的小径,To arched walks of twilight groves,看林神钟爱的松柏浓影,And shadows brown that Sylvan loves或者参天的橡树高耸,Of pine or monumental oak,听不见丁丁砍伐的斧声,Where the rude ax with heaved stroke不会使山林女神们受惊,Was never heard the nymphs to daunt,使她们离开神圣的幽境。
Or fright them from their hallowed haunt.
请把我藏在溪边隐蔽处,There in close covert by some brook,不让鄙俗的眼睛来偷睹,Where no profaner eye may look,躲避开太阳刺眼的光芒,Hide me from day's garish eye,任腿沾花粉的蜜蜂来往,While the bee with honeyed thigh,唱着歌在花木丛中忙碌,That at her flowery work doth sing,听条条溪涧潺潺低诉,And the waters murmuring种种轻声成一片和音With such consort as they keep,引来轻如羽绒的睡神;Entice the dewy-feathered sleep;让睡神带来奇异的梦幻And let some strange mysterious dream如生动鲜活的画面展现,Wave at his wings in airy stream在他的羽翼上流水般潋滟,of lively portraiture displayed轻轻地印上我的眼帘:softly on my eyelids laid.
我醒来,有音乐无比美妙,And as I wake, sweet music breathe从上,从下,从四周涌到,Above, about, or underneath ,由林间无形的善心神灵Sent by some spirit to mortals good,或精怪送来给凡人聆听。
Or th'unseen genius of the wood.
但是我不会收起步履,But let my due feet never fail我走访沉静的教堂小区,To walk the studious cloister's pale,我爱那崇高的穹形屋顶,And love the high embowèd roof,古老的石柱,粗壮坚挺,With antic pillars massy proof,装饰着五彩故事的高窗,And storied windows richly dight,放进宗教的幽暗微光:Casting a dim religious light.
这里有风琴响亮地奏鸣,There let the pealing organ blow下面的唱诗班合唱和声,To the full-voiced choir below,虔诚的圣诗,清亮的颂歌,In service high and anthems clear,在我的耳朵里美妙谐和,As may with sweetness, through mine ear,使我销魂于狂喜极乐,Dissolve me into ecstasies ,在我的眼前便出现天国。
And bring all heaven before mine eyes.
但愿我能在衰老的晚年And may at last my weary age找到一座宁静的修道院,Find out the peaceful hermitage,粗拙的袍服,生苔的小屋,The hairy gown and mossy cell,我坐在那里,专心研读Where I may sit and rightly spell一个个星象在天上争辉,Of every star that heaven doth shew,一棵棵草木吸饮露水;And every herb that sips the dew,直到成熟的经验累积,Till old experience do attain能获得类似先知的品质。
To something like prophetic strain.
假如你提供这些佳趣,These pleasures, Melancholy, give,“忧郁”啊,我愿意跟你共居。
And I with thee will choose to live.
- 上一篇: 双语诗歌·“你从我身上能看到这个时令”
- 下一篇: 双语诗歌·“我能否把你比作夏季的一天?”