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【英语双语故事】舌尖上的传说:云南美食故事25 大酥肉 Large Fried Meat



Large Fried Meat  大酥肉  An outlander was invited to attend a local wedding of in Yunnan province.

After chatting with the locals for a long time, he was avid for a sumptuous meal.

So when the dinner was ready, the famished outlander was completely enticed by a bowl of large fried meat which was golden and greasy.

He quickly picked a piece to eat but soon found it too large to eat up.

Indeed, it was as thick as a beer mug and as long as a pair of chopsticks.

In order not to be laughed at by the locals and not to be regarded as a prodigal, he made all his effort trying to finish it.

However, the idea was soon turned out entirely impractical.

Embarrassed, he could not come up with any idea to make amends.

Seeing this, the local who sat next to him kindly told him the right way to cope with the large fried meat.

It is not served at dinner but for take-out.

” The local said with a smile.

It is regarded as a gift for the guest which can be taken home to make soup after being cut into small pieces or to eat around Huo Tang(a kind of Chinese fireplace), after being cut into strips.

”  外地人来吃酒席,看见大酥肉金黄闪亮,馋涎欲滴,急急夹到碗中,努力吃了不到一半,怎么也吃不下去了,欲罢不能很是尴尬。





【【英语双语故事】舌尖上的传说:云南美食故事25 大酥肉 Large Fried Meat查看网站:[db:时间]】


