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双语诗歌|叶芝:长脚青蛉 Long-Legged Fly



Long-Legged Fly  That civilisation may not sink,  Its great battle lost,  Quiet the dog, tether the pony  To a distant post;  Our master Caesar is in the tent  Where the maps are spread,  His eyes fixed upon nothing,  A hand under his head.

  Like a long-legged fly upon the stream  His mind moves upon silence.

  That the topless towers be burnt  And men recall that face,  Move most gently if move you must  In this lonely place.

  She thinks, part woman, three parts a child,  That nobody looks;her feet  Practise a tinker shuffle  Picked up on a street.

  Like a long-legged fly upon the stream  Her mind moves upon silence.

  That girls at puberty may find  The first Adam in their thought,  Shut the door of the Pope's chapel,  Keep those children out.

  There on that scaffolding reclines  Michael Angelo.

  With no more sound than the mice make  His hand moves to and fro.

  Like a long-legged fly upon the stream  His mind moves upon silence.

  长脚青蛉  为使重大战役不致受挫,  为使文明不致沉落,  让狗儿静下来吧,把战马  远远地拴在柱上,  主将恺撒在他的营帐里,  在摊开的一幅幅地图前面,  双眼茫然,  单手支颐。

  如一只长脚青蛉在溪水上盘桓,  他的思绪在寂静中浮游。

  为使人们永记她的美貌,  焚毁高耸的塔堡,  在这个寂静的地方  你一定要蹑足行走。

  尚未成年的海伦  正笨拙地初试街上学来的舞步,  以为没人看到。

  如一只长脚青蛉在溪水上盘桓,  她的思绪在寂静中浮游。

  为了让怀春的少女  能幻想第一位心中的亚当,  请关上教堂的大门,  莫让孩子们进来。

  大门里的脚手架上  米开朗琪罗正仰躺着,  挥腕轻如鼠爪,  只弄出静静的声响。

  如一只长脚青蛉在溪水上盘桓,  她的思绪在寂静中浮游。

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