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双语诗歌翻译:William Cullen Bryant – The Voice of Autumn




下面是小编整理的关于双语诗歌翻译:William Cullen Bryant – The Voice of Autumn的资料,希望你会喜欢!

The Voice of AutumnWilliam Cullen BryantThere comes, from yonder height,A soft repining sound,Where forest-leaves are bright,And fall, like flakes of light,To the ground.

It is the autumn breeze,That, lightly floating on,Just skims the weedy leas,And is gone.

He moans by sedgy brook,And visits, with a sigh,The last pale flowers that look,From out their sunny nook,At the sky.

O’er shouting children fliesThat light October wind,And, kissing cheeks and eyes,He leaves their merry criesFar behind,And wanders on to makeThat soft uneasy soundBy distant wood and lake,Where distant fountains breakFrom the ground.

No bower where maidens dwellCan win a moment’s stay;Nor fair untrodden dell;He sweeps the upland swell,And away!

Mourn’st thou thy homeless state?

O soft, repining wind!

That early seek’st and lateThe rest is thy fateNot to findNot on the mountain’s breastNot on the ocean’s shore,In all the East and West:The wind that stops to restIs no more.

By valleys, woods, and springs,No wonder thou shouldst grieveFor all the glorious thingsThou touchest with thy wingsAnd must leave.

秋声布瑞恩轻悄悄细微声引人惆怅自远方高原上飘扬而降高山有林林叶何光片片飘零闪闪发亮是秋日阵阵清风脚步声何其轻盈轻掠过野草荒原拂丹枫又飘去无影无踪听悲吟芦苇溪边低低声微吁轻叹飘拂过寒冬前最后花朵正仰望碧海天向阳取暖九月之风轻轻吹过吹拂过喧嚣儿童吻双颊又吻笑眼飘去后只留下阵阵笑声又向前徘徊飞进轻细声乱人心神穿远林又过湖泊看清泉涌泻,流向湖滨有少女无论她深闺何处也无论少人行幽谷之中都不能唤秋风暂停脚步莫吹往高原地一去无踪问秋风为何故悲叹连声岂自悲无家舍到处飘零早飘泊晚飘泊无处栖止难道说受凄凉长飘泊原本是命峨峨翠岭漠漠海涯从东方再往西方秋风吹永未停下越山谷过流泉穿过林丛见多少好景物繁荣茂盛展双翼轻扫过离去匆匆无怪你有感触暗放悲声(张振玉 译)【双语诗歌翻译:William Cullen Bryant – The Voice of Autumn查看网站:[db:时间]】


