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驶向拜占廷Sailing to Byzantium叶 芝William B.

Yeats一1这是不宜于老人的乡邻,年轻人 That is no country for old men.

The young相互倚在怀抱里,鸟儿在树上In one another's arms, birds in the trees(这些走向死亡的世代)唱歌儿,—Those dying generations—at their song,鲑鱼的湍流,鲭鱼密集的海洋, The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,鱼类,走兽,飞禽,在整个长夏,Fish, flesh , or fowl , commend all summer long把生生死死的芸芸众生赞扬。

Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.

他们沉湎于声色,全都不理会Caught in that sensual music all neglect永世常新的灵智竖起的丰碑。

Monuments of unageing intellect.

二2一个老年人是微不足道的废物,An aged man is but a paltry thing,只是一件破外套披在手杖上,A tattered coat upon a stick, unless除非灵魂击掌并歌唱,在速朽的Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing皮囊里高声歌唱褴褛的衣裳; For every tatter in its mortal dress,世上没哪所歌唱学校不研读Nor is there singing school but studying灵魂自身辉煌的不朽篇章;Monuments of its own magnificence;所以我终于漂洋过海,亲自And therefore I have sailed the seas and come来到拜占廷这座神圣的城市。

To the holy city of Byzantium.

三3啊,在上帝圣火中站着的哲人们,O sages standing in God's holy fire像墙上镶嵌壁画中金色的图像, As in the gold mosaic of a wall,请走出圣火,在旋锥体中旋转吧, Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,请你们当老师教我的灵魂歌唱。

And be the singing-masters of my soul.

把我的心灵耗尽吧;它耽于物欲,Consume my heart away; sick with desire跟垂死动物的肉身紧紧地捆挷 And fastened to a dying animal而不知自己的本真;请把我採集,It knows not what it is; and gather me收进那属于永恒的神工绝艺。

Into the artifice of eternity.

四4我一旦超脱自然,便决不依据Once out of nature I shall never take任何自然物来造就我的身形,My bodily form from any natural thing,我只要像古代希腊的金匠那样But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make用锻金或镏金工艺铸造的体型,Of hammered gold and gold enamelling能使那昏昏欲睡的皇帝清醒;To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;或让我栖在黄金的树枝上歌吟, Or set upon a golden bough to sing唱过去、正在过去或未来的事情,To lords and ladies of Byzantium给拜占廷的贵族和命妇们倾听。

Of what is past, or passing, or to come.



