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雨还在下着Still Falls the Rain空袭,1940,黑夜,黎明The Raids, 1940.

Night and Dawn伊迪丝西特维尔Edith Sitwell伊迪丝西特维尔(Edith Sitwell,1887-1964),英国二十世纪有影响的女诗人。


1916-1921年,她编辑文学年刊 轮 ,与具有恋旧情绪的 乔治诗歌 针锋相对。



二战期间,她的诗作把对战争、社会、人类命运的思考同她的敏锐观察和感受溶为一体,创作了多首广为人们称道的诗作,包括 雨还在下着 、 该隐的影子 (1947)等。

雨还在下着——Still falls the Rain—阴暗如人的世界,乌黑如我们的损失——Dark as the world of man, black as our loss—盲目如一千九百四十个钉子Blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails钉在十字架上。

Upon the Cross.

雨还在下着,Still falls the Rain雨声如心跳,心跳变成锤击声With a sound like the pulse of the heart that is changed to the hammer-beat响在陶匠的血田里,还有不敬的脚步声 In the Potter's Field, and the sound of the impious feet响在坟墓上:On the Tomb:雨还在下着,Still falls the Rain下到血田里,这里,小的希望在产生,人的脑子In the Field of Blood where the small hopes breed and the human brain滋长着贪婪,那个长着该隐的额头的可怜虫。

Nurtures its greed , that worm with the brow of Cain.

雨还在下着——Still falls the Rain下到钉在十字架上的饥饿者脚上。

At the feet of the Starved Man hung upon the Cross.

每日每夜钉在那里的基督呵,对我们发发慈悲吧——Christ that each day, each night, nails there, have mercy on us—对财主和拉撒路也发发慈悲吧: On Dives and on Lazarus:在雨点下面,疥疮和黄金是同一个东西。

Under the Rain the sore and the gold are as one.

雨还在下着——Still falls the Rain—饥饿者受伤的肋旁流出的血还在滴着: Still falls the Blood from the Starved Man's wounded Side:祂把所有的创伤忍受在心里——消逝的“光”的创伤,He bears in His Heart all wounds, —those of the light that died,那最后微弱的火花The last faint spark闪在自我谋杀者心间,可悲的、不理解一切的“黑暗”的创伤,In the self-murdered heart, the wounds of the sad uncomprehending dark,被狗撕咬的熊的创伤,—— The wounds of the baited bear, —瞎眼的、哭泣的熊呵,无助的躯体还要The blind and weeping bear whom the keepers beat挨看守人的揍……被追猎的野兔的泪。

On his helpless flesh… the tears of the hunted hare.

雨还在下着——Still falls the Rain—于是——哦,我要跃向上帝:谁把我拉下来——Then—O lle leape up to my God: who pulles me doune—瞧,瞧,基督的血在苍天涌流: See, see where Christ's blood streames in the firmament :血从那个被我们钉在树上的额头流出,It flows from the Brow we nailed upon the tree深入到垂死的、干渴的心灵,Deep to the dying, to the thirsting heart这包容着全世界的大火的心灵——因痛苦而被染黑了,That holds the fires of the world, —dark-smirched with pain像凯撒的桂冠。

As Caesar's laurel crown.

于是一个人的声音响起来,祂像人的心Then sounds the voice of One who like the heart of man曾经是躺在牲口中间的婴儿—— Was once a child who among beasts has lain—“我始终爱你,始终泻出我真纯的光,流我的血,为了你。

”Still do I love, still shed my innocent light, my Blood, for thee.



