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白日焰火 夺得柏林电影节金熊奖



Chinese Film 'Black Coal, Thin Ice' Wins Berlin Film Festival 白日焰火 夺得柏林电影节金熊奖The Chinese film 'Black Coal, Thin Ice' won best picture at the Berlin International Film Festival over the weekend, the latest win for China as it seeks global prominence in film.

Director Diao Yinan, who accepted the award for the film on Saturday, spent nearly a decade writing the screenplay.

'Black Coal, Thin Ice' (Bairi Yanhuo , or 'Daytime Fireworks,' in Mandarin) is a detective mystery, set in cold northern China during the late 1990s, that unfolds through flashbacks, telling the story of a detective investigating a trail of murders in a factory town.

Berlin's film festival jury also gave Liao Fan, who plays the detective in 'Black Coal, Thin Ice,' with the award for best actor.

The recognition comes as China's film studios and directors vie for a stronger position on the global stage -- and they appear to be gaining ground.

Jia Zhangke, one of China's most provocative directors, won the award for best screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festival last May with his film 'A Touch of Sin.

'Berlin has previously acknowledged other Chinese directors, such as Wang Quan'an, who was awarded best screenplay at the 2010 festival for 'Tuan Yuan' ('Apart Together').

'It's very hard to believe this dream has come true,' Mr.

Diao said when accepting his award.


Diao, a graduate of China's Central Academy of Drama, is also known for his two other films, 'Uniform' and 'Night Train.

'中国电影 白日焰火 (Black Coal, Thin Ice)在柏林国际电影节(Berlin International Film Festival)获颁最佳影片奖,这是中国电影在寻求在国际建立声名过程中最新一项斩获。



白日焰火 是一部侦探悬疑片,故事发生在九十年代末的东北,以闪回的手法逐渐揭示情节,讲述一名侦探调查一个工厂小镇上发生的一起谋杀案。

柏林电影节的评审们还把最佳男演员奖颁给了在 白日焰火 中扮演侦探的廖凡。


去年5月份,中国最具挑 性的导演之一贾樟柯就凭借电影 天注定 (A Touch of Sin)在戛纳国际电影节(Cannes International Film Festival)获得了最佳剧本奖。

以前就曾有中国导演在柏林获奖,比如2010年王全安就凭借 团圆 (Apart Together)获颁最佳剧本奖。


刁亦男毕业于中央戏剧学院,他的另外两部电影 制服 (Uniform)和 夜车 (Night Train)也很有名。

【白日焰火 夺得柏林电影节金熊奖查看网站:[db:时间]】


