巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
南京大学 Nanjing University
上海复旦大学 Fudan University
印尼大学 universitas indonesia
越南某大学 Vietnam National University
菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
新个税法全面实施,工资收入将享个税专项扣除2019年1月1日起,中国实施新的个人所得税法, 个人所得税专项附加扣除暂行办法 同步实施。
The special expense deduction items are related to children's education, adult reeducation, treatment of serious diseases, the livelihood of elder people, housing loan interest and home rent.
A new personal income tax app, developed by the State Administration of Taxation, will be up and running to help taxpayers receive additional deductions.
首部电商法实施,代购微商需依法纳税 中华人民共和国电子商务法 将于2019年1月1日起施行。
The e-commerce law, which clarifies e-commerce operators into e-commerce platform operators, merchants on e-commerce platforms, and those doing business on their own websites or via other web services, covers not only famous platforms such as Alibaba's Taobao but also those selling goods via social networks including the popular chatting app WeChat.
跨境电商零售进口政策调整2019年1月1日起,中国将调整跨境电商零售进口税收政策,提高享受税收优惠政策的商品限额上限(raise the upper limit of goods subject to the preferential tax policy),扩大清单范围。
Starting next year, the annual duty-free quota for crossborder e-commerce purchases for individual buyers will be lifted to 26,000 yuan ($3,745) from the current 20,000 yuan.
The tax-free limits on single transactions will increase to 5,000 yuan from 2,000.
The Ministry of Finance also added 63 product categories to the list of duty-free goods that might be available on cross-border e-commerce platforms.
电子证照迎一网通办”,6项国家标准将实施On Nov 16, State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments jointly issued 6 electronic certificate national standards to be put into force from Jan 1, 2019.
这6项标准分别为: 电子证照 总体技术架构(technical framework) 、 电子证照 目录信息规范 、 电子证照 元数据规范(metadata standard) 、 电子证照 标识规范 、 电子证照 文件技术要求 和 电子证照 共享服务接口规范 。
6项标准的施行,将有助于推动实现全国一网通办”,让政务信息资源共享和服务(administrative information sharing and services)更顺畅,让百姓切实感受办事更便捷。
社保将由税务部门统一征收According to a reform plan for tax collection issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, premiums for pension, medical, unemployment, occupational injury and maternity insurance will be uniformly levied by the taxation authorities from Jan 1, 2019.
按照此前中办、国办印发的 国税地税征管体制改革方案 ,从2019年1月1日起,将基本养老保险费、基本医疗保险费、失业保险费、工伤保险费、生育保险费等各项保险费交由税务部门统一征收。
按照高效、便民的原则(under the guidelines of efficiency and convenience),合理确定非税收入征管职责划转到税务部门的范围,整合纳税服务和税收征管等方面业务,优化完善税收和缴费管理信息系统,更好地便利纳税人(taxpayers)和缴费人。
新个税法全面实施,工资收入将享个税专项扣除2019年1月1日起,中国实施新的个人所得税法, 个人所得税专项附加扣除暂行办法 同步实施。
The special expense deduction items are related to children's education, adult reeducation, treatment of serious diseases, the livelihood of elder people, housing loan interest and home rent.
A new personal income tax app, developed by the State Administration of Taxation, will be up and running to help taxpayers receive additional deductions.
首部电商法实施,代购微商需依法纳税 中华人民共和国电子商务法 将于2019年1月1日起施行。
The e-commerce law, which clarifies e-commerce operators into e-commerce platform operators, merchants on e-commerce platforms, and those doing business on their own websites or via other web services, covers not only famous platforms such as Alibaba's Taobao but also those selling goods via social networks including the popular chatting app WeChat.
跨境电商零售进口政策调整2019年1月1日起,中国将调整跨境电商零售进口税收政策,提高享受税收优惠政策的商品限额上限(raise the upper limit of goods subject to the preferential tax policy),扩大清单范围。
Starting next year, the annual duty-free quota for crossborder e-commerce purchases for individual buyers will be lifted to 26,000 yuan ($3,745) from the current 20,000 yuan.
The tax-free limits on single transactions will increase to 5,000 yuan from 2,000.
The Ministry of Finance also added 63 product categories to the list of duty-free goods that might be available on cross-border e-commerce platforms.
电子证照迎一网通办”,6项国家标准将实施On Nov 16, State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments jointly issued 6 electronic certificate national standards to be put into force from Jan 1, 2019.
这6项标准分别为: 电子证照 总体技术架构(technical framework) 、 电子证照 目录信息规范 、 电子证照 元数据规范(metadata standard) 、 电子证照 标识规范 、 电子证照 文件技术要求 和 电子证照 共享服务接口规范 。
6项标准的施行,将有助于推动实现全国一网通办”,让政务信息资源共享和服务(administrative information sharing and services)更顺畅,让百姓切实感受办事更便捷。
社保将由税务部门统一征收According to a reform plan for tax collection issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, premiums for pension, medical, unemployment, occupational injury and maternity insurance will be uniformly levied by the taxation authorities from Jan 1, 2019.
按照此前中办、国办印发的 国税地税征管体制改革方案 ,从2019年1月1日起,将基本养老保险费、基本医疗保险费、失业保险费、工伤保险费、生育保险费等各项保险费交由税务部门统一征收。
按照高效、便民的原则(under the guidelines of efficiency and convenience),合理确定非税收入征管职责划转到税务部门的范围,整合纳税服务和税收征管等方面业务,优化完善税收和缴费管理信息系统,更好地便利纳税人(taxpayers)和缴费人。
- 上一篇: 中国外交部:习近平、普京将于2019年互访
- 下一篇: 2019年春运火车票开抢 将新增一项功能