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Sonnets of William Shakespeare-Sonnet 114



Or whether doth my mind, being crown'd with you,  Drink up the monarch's plague, this flattery?

  Or whether shall I say, mine eye saith true,  And that your love taught it this alchemy,  To make of monsters and things indigest  Such cherubins as your sweet self resemble,  Creating every bad a perfect best,  As fast as objects to his beams assemble?

  O,'tis the first; 'tis flattery in my seeing,  And my great mind most kingly drinks it up:  Mine eye well knows what with his gust is 'greeing,  And to his palate doth prepare the cup:  If it be poison'd, 'tis the lesser sin  That mine eye loves it and doth first begin.

  是否我的心,既把你当王冠戴,  喝过帝王们的鸩毒--自我阿谀?

  还是我该说,我眼睛说的全对,  因为你的爱教会它这炼金术,  使它能够把一切蛇神和牛鬼  转化为和你一样柔媚的天婴,  把每个丑恶改造成尽善尽美,  只要事物在它的柔辉下现形?

  哦,是前者;是眼睛的自我陶醉,  我伟大的心灵把它一口喝尽:  眼睛晓得投合我心灵的口味,  为它准备好这杯可口的毒饮。

  尽管杯中有毒,罪过总比较轻,  因为先爱上它的是我的眼睛。

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