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放慢你的舞步 Slow Dance  人生不是一场竞赛  放慢你的脚步,倾听沿途的音符,在音乐还没结束以前  Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round  Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

  Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight  Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

  You’d better slow down,  Don’t dance so fast.

  Time is short,  The music won’t last.

  Do you run through each day on the fly  When you ask "How are you?

", do you hear the reply?

  When the day is done, do you lie in your bed  With the next hundred chores running through your head?

  You’d better slow down  Don’t dance so fast  Time is short  The music won’t last  When you run so fast to get somewhere,  You miss half the fun of getting there.

  When you worry and hurry through your day,  It is like an unopened gift  Thrown away.

  You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith.

  Life is not a race.

  Do take it slower,  Hear the music  Before the song is over.

  你曾否看过孩子们骑旋转木马  或听过雨水拍打地面的声音呢?

  你曾否追逐过飘忽不定的蝴蝶  或看着夕阳消失于地平线呢?

  放慢你的舞步  不要匆匆忙忙  人生苦短  音乐不会永远奏下去。

  你是否每天忙个不停  当问候别人时,你真的在意他们的回答吗?

  每晚就寝时  你是否仍在脑海中念叨着无数的杂事呢?

  放慢你的舞步  不要匆匆忙忙  人生苦短  音乐不会永远奏下去。

  当你匆忙赶到目的地时,  也就错过了旅途中一半的乐趣。

  当你终日忧心忡忡并马不停蹄时,  就像一份礼物还没被拆开.

  就已丢弃  您正在收听的是Faith轻松电台,  我是Faith。


  放慢你的脚步  倾听沿途的音符  在音乐还没结束以前。



