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  Thou aged unreluctant earth who dost  with quivering continual thighs invite  the thrilling rain the slender paramour  to toy with thy extraordinary lust,  (the sinuous rain which rising from thy bed  steals to his wife the sky and hour by hour  wholly renews her pale flesh with delight)  -immortally whence are the high gods fled?

  Speak elm eloquent pandar with thy nod  significant to the ecstatic earth  in token of his coming whom her soul  burns to embrace-and didst thou know the god  from but the imprint of whose cloven feet  the shrieking dryad sought her leafy goal,  at the mere echo of whose shining mirth  the furious hearts of mountains ceased to beat?

  Wind beautifully who wanderest  over smooth pages of forgotten joy  proving the peaceful theorems of the flowers  -didst e'er depart upon more exquisite quest?

  and did thy fortunate fingers sometime dwell  (within a greener shadow of secret bowers)  among the curves of that delicious boy  whose serious grace one goddess loved too well?

  Chryselephantine Zeus Olympian  sceptred colossus of the Pheidian soul  whose eagle frights creation,in whose palm  Nike presents the crown sweetest to man,  whose lilied robe the sun's white hands emboss,  betwixt whose absolute feet anoint with calm  of intent stars circling the acerb pole  poises,smiling,the diadumenos  in whose young chiseled eyes the people saw  their once again victorious Pantarkes  (whose grace the prince of artists made him bold  to imitate between the feet of awe),  thunderer whose omnipotent brow showers  its curls of unendured eternal gold  over the infinite breast in bright degrees,  whose pillow is the graces and the hours,  father of gods and men whose subtle throne  twain sphinxes bear each with a writhing youth  caught to her brazen breasts,whose foot-stool tells  how fought the looser of the warlike zone  of her that brought forth tall Hippolytus,  lord on whose pedestal the deep expels  (over Selene's car closing uncouth)  of Helios the sweet wheels tremulous-  are there no kings in Argos,that the song  is silent,of the steep unspeaking tower  within whose brightening strictness Danae  saw the night severed and the glowing throng  descend,felt on her flesh the amorous strain  of gradual hands and yielding to that fee  her eager body's unimmortal flower  knew in the darkness a more burning rain?


  And still the mad magnificent herald Spring  assembles beauty from forgetfulness  with the wild trump of April:witchery  of sound and odour drives the wingless thing  man forth in the bright air,for now the red  leaps in the maple's cheek,and suddenly  by shining hordes in sweet unserious dress  ascends the golden crocus from the dead.

  On dappled dawn forth rides the pungent sun  with hooded day preening upon his hand  followed by gay untimid final flowers  (which dressed in various tremulous armor stun  the eyes of ragged earth who sees them pass)  while hunted from his kingdom winter cowers,  seeing green armies steadily expand  hearing the spear-song of the marching grass.

  A silver sudden parody of snow  tickles the air to golden tears,and hark!

  the flicker's laughing yet,while on the hills  the pines deepen to whispers primeval and throw  backward their foreheads to the barbarous bright  sky,and suddenly from the valley thrills  the unimaginable upward lark  and drowns the earth and passes into light  (slowly in life's serene perpetual round  a pale world gathers comfort to her soul,  hope richly scattered by the abundant sun  invades the new mosaic of the ground  -let but the incurious curtaining dusk be drawn  surpassing nets are sedulously spun  to snare the brutal dew,-the authentic scroll  of fairie hands and vanishing with the dawn).

  Spring,that omits no mention of desire  in every curved and curling thing,yet holds  continuous intercourse-through skies and trees  the lilac's smoke the poppy's pompous fire  the pansy's purple patience and the grave  frailty of daises-by what rare unease  revealed of teasingly transparent folds-  with man's poor soul superlatively brave.

  Surely from robes of particoloured peace  with mouth flower-faint and undiscovered eyes  and dim slow perfect body amorous  (whiter than lilies which are born and cease  for being whiter than this world)exhales  the hovering high perfume curious  of that one month for whom the whole years dies,  risen at length from palpitating veils.

  O still miraculous May!

O shining girl  of time untarnished!

O small intimate  gently primeval hands,frivolous feet  divine!

O singular and breathless pearl!

  O indefinable frail ultimate pose!

  O visible beatitude sweet sweet  intolerable!

silence immaculate  of god's evasive audible great rose!


  Lover,lead forth thy love unto that bed  prepared by whitest hands of waiting years,  curtained with wordless worship absolute,  unto the certain altar at whose head  stands that clear candle whose expecting breath  exults upon the tongue of flame half-mute,  (haste ere some thrush with silver several tears  complete the perfumed paraphrase of death).

  Now is the time when all occasional things  close into silence,only one tree,one  svelte translation of eternity  unto the pale meaning of heaven clings,  (whose million leaves in winsome indolence  simmer upon thinking twilight momently)  as down the oblivious west's numerous dun  magnificence conquers magnificence.

  In heaven's intolerable athanor  inimitably tortured the base day  utters at length her soft intrinsic hour,  and from those tenuous fires which more and more  sink and are lost the divine alchemist,  the magus of creation,lifts a flower-  whence is the world's insufferable clay  clothed with incognizable amethyst.

  Lady at whose imperishable smile  the amazed doves flicker upon sunny wings  as if in terror of eternity,  (or seeming that they would mistrust a while  the moving of beauteous dead mouths throughout  that very proud transparent company  of quivering ghosts-of-love which scarcely sings  drifting in slow diaphanous faint rout),  queen in the inconceivable embrace  of whose tremendous hair that blossom stands  whereof is most desire,yet less than those  twain perfect roses whose ambrosial grace,  goddess,thy crippled thunder-forging groom  or the loud lord of skipping maenads knows,-  having Discordia's apple in thy hands,  which the scared shepherd gave thee for his doom-  O thou within the chancel of whose charms  the tall boy god of everlasting war  received the shuddering sacrament of sleep,  betwixt whose cool incorrigible arms  impaled upon delicious mystery,  with gaunt limbs reeking of the whispered deep,  deliberate groping ocean fondled o'er  the warm long flower of unchastity,  imperial Cytherea,from frail foam  sprung with irrevocable nakedness  to strike the young world into smoking song-  as the first star perfects the sensual dome  of darkness,and the sweet strong final bird  transcends the sight,O thou to whom belong  th ehearts of lovers!

-I beseech thee bless  thy suppliant singer and his wandering word.



