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精选王尔德语录:双语经典版王尔德语录赏析  双语经典版王尔德语录赏析,精选30句王尔德语录,前十五句大概讲述的是关于男女之间,关于爱情,关于婚姻,关于生活。



  王尔德经典语录(上):  1、Between men and women there is no friendship possible.

  There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.

  男女之间不可能存在友谊,  有的只是爱恨情仇。

  friendship :  n.

友情,友谊; 友善的关系; 友善,好意;  [例句]  After seven years of friendship, she still couldn't tell when he was kidding.


  2、The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

”  摆脱诱惑的唯一方法就是臣服于它。

  yield  vt.

屈服,投降; 生产; 获利; 不再反对;  Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?


  3、All great ideas are dangerous.

”  所有伟大的想法都是危险的。

  4、If you pretend to be good,  the world takes you very seriously.

  If you pretend to be bad, it doesn’t.

  Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.

”  如果你装好人,  全世界都对你当真,  要是你装坏人,  那就没人把你当回事。


  pretend  vt.

假装,伪装;  I had no option but to pretend ignorance.


  astounding  adj.

使人震惊的;  The results are quite astounding.


  stupidity  n.

愚蠢;  She silently cursed her own stupidity.


  5、We are all in the gutter,  but some of us are looking at the stars.

”  我们都在阴沟中,  但仍有人仰望星空。

  gutter  n.

贫民窟; (路边)排水沟  That's what life is, a gutter.


  6、If you want to tell people the truth,  make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.

”  如果你想告诉人们真相,  请先让他们开怀大笑,  否则他们会报复你。

  7、 To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

”  爱自己是终身浪漫的开始。

  8、My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death.

  One or the other of us has to go.

”  墙纸越来越破,而我越来越老,  两者之间,总有一个要先消失。

  wallpaper  n.

壁纸,墙纸;  9、There are only two tragedies in life:  one is not getting what one wants,  and the other is getting it.

  生活中只有两个悲剧:  一个是没有得到你想要的,  另外一个是得到了你想要的。

  tragedies  n.

悲剧; 惨事,灾难( tragedy的名词复数 );  Very often tragedies or near tragedies occurred.


  10、Always forgive your enemies  nothing annoys them so much.

  永远宽恕你的敌人,  没有什么能比这个更让他们恼怒的了。

  enemies  n.

仇敌( enemy的名词复数 );  They are our mortal enemies.


  11、Everyone is born king,  and most people die in exile.

  每个人生来都是君王,  但大多数在流亡中死去。

  exile  vt.

放逐,流放; 使背井离乡  After nearly six years of exile  在将近6年的流亡生活之后  12、Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live,  it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.

  过自己想要的生活不是自私,  要求别人按自己的意愿生活才是。

  selfishness  n.

自私; 自我中心; 利己主义; 任性;  The source of nearly all the evil and unhappiness of this world is selfishness.


  13、When gods wish to punish us,  they answer our prayer.

  若诸神要惩罚我等,  必先让我等如愿以偿。

  punish  v.

处罚; 严厉对付; 贪婪地吃喝;  Don't punish your child for being honest.


  prayer  n.

祈祷;  It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.


  14、 It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances.

  只有肤浅的人才不会以貌取人  shallow  adj.

浅的,肤浅的  I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.


  15、When one is in love,  one always begins by deceiveing ones self,  and one always ends by deceiving others.

  That is what would calls a romance.

  爱,始于自我欺骗,  终于欺骗他人。





  16、Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.

  人生就是一件蠢事追着另一件蠢事而来,  而爱情则是两个蠢东西追来追去。

  whereas  conj.

然而; 鉴于; 反之;  Some praise him,whereas others condemn him.


  17、We teach people how to remember,  we never teach them how to grow.

  我们教给人们如何记忆,  却从来不教他们如何成长。

  18、Nothing can cure the soul but the senses,  just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.

  只有感官才能解救灵魂,  正如只有灵魂才能解救感官。

  cure  vt.

治愈; 矫正; 解决; 消除;  He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.


  19、And beauty is a form of genius it is higher,  indeed, than genius as it needs no explanation.

  美是一种天赋,  实际上,  美超过了天赋,  因为它不需要解释。

  genius n.

天才; 天赋;  This is the mark of her real genius as a designer.


  20、A little sincerity is a dangerous thing,  and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.

”  不够真诚是危险的,  太真诚则绝对是致命的。

  fatal  adj.

致命的,攸关的; 毁灭性的,  He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.


  21、Society exists only as a mental concept;  in the real world there are only individuals.

  社会仅仅以一种精神概念而存在,  真实世界中只有个体存在。

  concept  n.

观念,概念; 观点  This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.


  22、What is a cynic?

A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing  一个愤世嫉俗的人知道所有东西的价格,  却不知道任何东西的价值。

  cynic  n.

愤世嫉俗者,讽世者;  I have come to be very much of a cynic in these matters.


  23、All charming people, I fancy, are spoiled.

  It is the secret of their attraction  我想所有迷人的人都是被宠爱着的,  这是他们吸引力来源的秘密。

  charming  adj.

迷人的,可爱的;  He found her as smart and beautiful as she is charming.


  spoiled  adj.

被宠坏的;  24、To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,  the most difficult and the most intellectual  什么也不做是世上最难的事情,  最困难并且最智慧。

  intellectual  adj.

智力的; 有才智的  He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits.


  25、The well bred contradict other people.

  The wise contradict themselves.

  教养良好的人处处和他人过不去,  头脑聪明的人处处和自己过不去。

  26、Ignorance is like a delicate flower:  touch it and the bloom is gone.

  无知就像是一朵精致的花朵:  摸一下,它就消失了。

  delicate  adj.

微妙的; 熟练的; 纤弱的; 易损的;  bloom  n.

(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期;  27、I dont want to go to heaven.

  None of my friends are there.

  我不想去天堂,  我的朋友都不在那里。

  28、The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.

  It is never of any use to oneself.

  对于建议,你所能做的,  就是把它转送给别人,  建议从来就不是给自己准备的。

  29、Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.

  女人是用来被爱的,  不是用来被理解的。

  30、Men marry because they are tired;  women because they are curious;  both are disappointed.

  男人因疲倦而结婚,  女人因好奇而结婚;  最终他们都会失望。

  curious  adj.

好奇的;  Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.




