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英译现代散文●生命从八十岁开始 ◎ 冰心



生命从八十岁开始Life Begins at 80◎ 冰心◎ Bing Xin亲爱的小朋友:Dear Little Friends,我每天在病榻上躺着,面对一幅极好看的画。

这是一个满面笑容,穿着红兜肚,肩上扛着一对大红桃的孩子,旁边写着冰心同志八十大寿”,底下落款是一九八〇年十月 儿童文学 敬祝”。

Every day I lie facing a lovely picture from my sickbed — the picture of a smiling little child wearing a doudu and carrying two big red peaches on the shoulder.

It bears the inscriptionsOn the 80th birthday of Comrade Bing Xin”andWith best wishes from the Children's Literature, October 1980”on the margin and at the bottom, respectively.


Every morning, when I wake up, it gives me great joy and encouragement to see the picture in the bright sunshine.

But the birthday gift hasn't brought me to realize that I am already 80 years old!



”Since I fell ill, many old friends have written to express their sympathy for me and meanwhile warn me never again to work so hard without regard for my old age.

So, in reply to a friend's letter, I said,While Confucius refers to himself as often being ‘unaware of approaching old age’, I am, however, unaware that I am already old!


自从我二十三岁起写 寄小读者 以来,断断续续地写了将近六十年。

正是许多小读者们读 寄小读者 后的来信,这热情的回响,使我永远觉得年轻!

For this unawareness, I owe a debt of gratitude to millions upon millions of my little readers!

It is about 60 years since I began at the age of 23 to write intermittently Letters to Little Readers.

The warm response expressed by many of my little friends after reading my letters has given me a perpetual feeling of being young!

我在病中不但得到 中国少年报 编辑部的赠花,并给我拍了照,也得到许多慰问的信,因为这些信的祝福都使我相信我会很快康复起来。







During my illness, the editorial department of the China Juvenile Daily sent me flowers and took my picture.

I also received many letters of sympathy from my friends and readers, whose good wishes inspired me with confidence in my speedy recovery.

My illness started with cerebral thrombosis, and later I suffered a fracture in my right hipbone.

As a result, I had difficulty getting around and writing by hand.

You can imagine how it took me almost half an hour to finish writing this short note of only a few hundred words!

As a Western saying goes,Life begins at 40.

”I hope that, starting from 1981, I'll be able to try my hand at writing and moving around after my recovery.

Life begins at 80.

Let me strive to forge ahead with all my little friends!

祝 你们健康快乐With every good wish,你们的热情的朋友 冰心Bing Xin, your loving friend一九八〇年十月二十九日于北京医院Beijing Hospital29-Oct-80冰心1923年夏毕业于燕京大学,同年8月赴美留学,前后共三年。

在此期间,她写了散文 寄小读者 ,内有29篇通讯,除8篇写于国内,其余21篇都写于赴美的船上和美国。

这些通讯最初陆续发表在 晨报副刊 的儿童世界”栏内,1926年结集出了单行本。


本篇通讯发表在 三寄小读者 中,为该集的代序。

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