- 荷兰莱顿大学
- 西班牙巴塞罗那大学
- 巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
- 科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
- 南京大学 Nanjing University
- 上海复旦大学 Fudan University
- 泗水大学(Ubaya)
- 印尼大学 universitas indonesia
- 越南某大学 Vietnam National University
- 菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
哀希腊The Isles of Greece拜 伦George G.
The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece!
曾有过萨福火热的恋歌, Where burning Sappho loved and sung,和文治武功辉煌的创造,Where grew the arts of war and peace,涌出过得洛斯,跃出过阿波罗!
Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!
长夏的骄阳还依然辉煌——Eternal summer gilds them yet,一切都沉沦了,除了太阳!
But all, except their sun, is set.
开俄斯诗人,忒俄斯歌手, The Scian and the Teian muse,英雄的竖琴,情人的瑶瑟,The hero's harp , the lover's lute,在你的国土里无声无臭,Have found the fame your shores refuse;他们的诞生地悄然哑默。
Their place of birth alone is mute在西方他们却声名远播,To sounds which echo further west远过你祖先的“极乐岛国”!
Than your sires' 'Islands of the Blest.
'千山万岭望着马拉松, The mountains look on Marathon —马拉松望着彭湃的海洋;And Marathon looks on the sea;我冥想片刻,仿佛在做梦——And musing there an hour alone,希腊依然是自由的家邦;I dream'd that Greece might still be free;既然我脚踏波斯人坟茔,For standing on the Persians' grave ,我怎能认可我奴隶的命运!
I could not deem myself a slave.
有一位国王在山头雄踞, A king sate on the rocky brow俯瞰海上的撒拉米岛屿:Which looks o'er sea-born Salamis;成千条战船,各族的士卒 And ships, by thousands, lay below,在山下列队,全由他统御!
And men in nations;—all were his!
黎明时,他还在点名计数,He counted them at break of day—太阳沉落时,他们在何处?
And when the sun set where were they?
你又在何处——And where are they?
and where art thou,我的祖国啊!
你岸上静悄悄,My country?
On thy voiceless shore英雄的歌曲销沉了旋律——The heroic lay is tuneless now—英雄的心胸停止了搏跳!
The heroic bosom beats no more!
你向来不凡的诗琴此刻And must thy lyre, so long divine,竟轮到平凡的我来弹拨?
Degenerate into hands like mine?
处在戴着镣铐的民族中,Tis something, in the dearth of fame,得不到名声,依然有追求,Though link'd among a fetter'd race,我唱着,为感到屈辱而脸红,To feel at least a patriot's shame,至少,牢记着志士的国仇;Even as I sing, suffuse my face;诗人在这里有什么作为?
For what is left the poet here?
For Greeks a blush—for Greece a tear.
Must we but weep o'er days more blest?
Must we but blush?
—Our fathers bled.
render back from out thy breast从你的胸膛里送还几名!
A remnant of our Spartan dead!
三百勇士中来三个就行,Of the three hundred grant but three,重新打一次温泉关战争!
To make a new Thermopylae!
What, silent still?
and silent all?
no;—the voices of the dead像远方瀑布,正喧闹轰鸣,Sound like a distant torrent's fall,答道:“只要有一个活人And answer, 'Let one living head,站起来,我们就都来效命!
”But one arise ,—we come, we come!
Tis but the living who are dumb.
换换调子吧,说这些没用;In vain—in vain: strike other chords ;斟满一大杯萨摩斯佳酿!
Fill high the cup with Samian wine!
战争,让土耳其流氓去冲锋, ?
Leave battles to the Turkish hordes,鲜血,让开俄斯葡萄去流淌!
And shed the blood of Scio's vine!
rising to the ignoble call—立刻回应这卑鄙的怂恿!
How answers each bold Bacchanal!
你们保存着皮锐克舞蹈, ?
You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet;皮锐克方阵哪里去了?
Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
两门课程中,为什么忘掉Of two such lessons, why forget更加崇高威武的一课?
The nobler and the manlier one?
卡德摩斯给你们送来字母—— ?
You have the letters Cadmus gave—想想,他可是要教化亡国奴?
Think ye he meant them for a slave?
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
We will not think of themes like these!
阿那克里翁神妙的吟唱 ?
It made Anacreon's song divine :也是得益于酒力的帮助;He served—but served Polycrates—他侍奉波吕克拉提——暴君, ?
A tyrant; but our masters then可这些主子总还是本国人。
Were still, at least, our countrymen.
刻松尼斯的那位暴君 ?
The tyrant of the Chersonese是非常勇敢的自由之友;Was freedom's best and bravest friend;米太亚得是他的大名!
That tyrant was Miltiades!
that the present hour would lend再来个暴君,同样的铁腕!
Another despot of the kind!
Such chains as his were sure to bind.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
苏里的山区,巴加的海域, ?
On Suli's rock, and Parga's shore ,至今保留着一族遗民,Exists the remnant of a line倒像多里斯母亲的儿女; ?
Such as the Doric mothers bore;那地方可能播下了良种,And there, perhaps, some seed is sown ,赫丘利血统也许会认同。
The Heracleidan blood might own.
要取得自由,别指望西方, ?
Trust not for freedom to the Franks—他们的国王做的是买卖;They have a king who buys and sells;本土的战士,本土的刀枪,In native swords, and native ranks,是你们杀敌的唯一依赖:The only hope of courage dwells;土耳其动武,拉丁人诱惑, ?
But Turkish force, and Latin fraud ,会把你们的盾牌戳破!
Would break your shield, however broad.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
树荫下少女们翩翩起舞——Our virgins dance beneath the shade—我看见乌黑的眼睛闪亮,I see their glorious black eyes shine;我凝视容光焕发的丽姝;But gazing on each glowing maid,想起来,我不禁热泪难抑:My own the burning tear-drop laves,她们的乳房都得喂奴隶!
To think such breasts must suckle slaves .
让我登上苏尼翁石岩, ?
Place me on Sunium's marbled steep.
那里只剩下我和海波,Where nothing, save the waves and I,听得见我们在喃喃交谈,May hear our mutual murmurs sweep;我愿做天鹅,临终前高歌: ?
There, swan-like, let me sing and die:一个奴隶的国度,我不要!
A land of slaves shall ne'er be mine—把这杯萨摩斯浊酒摔掉!
Dash down yon cup of Samian wine!
The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece!
曾有过萨福火热的恋歌, Where burning Sappho loved and sung,和文治武功辉煌的创造,Where grew the arts of war and peace,涌出过得洛斯,跃出过阿波罗!
Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!
长夏的骄阳还依然辉煌——Eternal summer gilds them yet,一切都沉沦了,除了太阳!
But all, except their sun, is set.
开俄斯诗人,忒俄斯歌手, The Scian and the Teian muse,英雄的竖琴,情人的瑶瑟,The hero's harp , the lover's lute,在你的国土里无声无臭,Have found the fame your shores refuse;他们的诞生地悄然哑默。
Their place of birth alone is mute在西方他们却声名远播,To sounds which echo further west远过你祖先的“极乐岛国”!
Than your sires' 'Islands of the Blest.
'千山万岭望着马拉松, The mountains look on Marathon —马拉松望着彭湃的海洋;And Marathon looks on the sea;我冥想片刻,仿佛在做梦——And musing there an hour alone,希腊依然是自由的家邦;I dream'd that Greece might still be free;既然我脚踏波斯人坟茔,For standing on the Persians' grave ,我怎能认可我奴隶的命运!
I could not deem myself a slave.
有一位国王在山头雄踞, A king sate on the rocky brow俯瞰海上的撒拉米岛屿:Which looks o'er sea-born Salamis;成千条战船,各族的士卒 And ships, by thousands, lay below,在山下列队,全由他统御!
And men in nations;—all were his!
黎明时,他还在点名计数,He counted them at break of day—太阳沉落时,他们在何处?
And when the sun set where were they?
你又在何处——And where are they?
and where art thou,我的祖国啊!
你岸上静悄悄,My country?
On thy voiceless shore英雄的歌曲销沉了旋律——The heroic lay is tuneless now—英雄的心胸停止了搏跳!
The heroic bosom beats no more!
你向来不凡的诗琴此刻And must thy lyre, so long divine,竟轮到平凡的我来弹拨?
Degenerate into hands like mine?
处在戴着镣铐的民族中,Tis something, in the dearth of fame,得不到名声,依然有追求,Though link'd among a fetter'd race,我唱着,为感到屈辱而脸红,To feel at least a patriot's shame,至少,牢记着志士的国仇;Even as I sing, suffuse my face;诗人在这里有什么作为?
For what is left the poet here?
For Greeks a blush—for Greece a tear.
Must we but weep o'er days more blest?
Must we but blush?
—Our fathers bled.
render back from out thy breast从你的胸膛里送还几名!
A remnant of our Spartan dead!
三百勇士中来三个就行,Of the three hundred grant but three,重新打一次温泉关战争!
To make a new Thermopylae!
What, silent still?
and silent all?
no;—the voices of the dead像远方瀑布,正喧闹轰鸣,Sound like a distant torrent's fall,答道:“只要有一个活人And answer, 'Let one living head,站起来,我们就都来效命!
”But one arise ,—we come, we come!
Tis but the living who are dumb.
换换调子吧,说这些没用;In vain—in vain: strike other chords ;斟满一大杯萨摩斯佳酿!
Fill high the cup with Samian wine!
战争,让土耳其流氓去冲锋, ?
Leave battles to the Turkish hordes,鲜血,让开俄斯葡萄去流淌!
And shed the blood of Scio's vine!
rising to the ignoble call—立刻回应这卑鄙的怂恿!
How answers each bold Bacchanal!
你们保存着皮锐克舞蹈, ?
You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet;皮锐克方阵哪里去了?
Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
两门课程中,为什么忘掉Of two such lessons, why forget更加崇高威武的一课?
The nobler and the manlier one?
卡德摩斯给你们送来字母—— ?
You have the letters Cadmus gave—想想,他可是要教化亡国奴?
Think ye he meant them for a slave?
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
We will not think of themes like these!
阿那克里翁神妙的吟唱 ?
It made Anacreon's song divine :也是得益于酒力的帮助;He served—but served Polycrates—他侍奉波吕克拉提——暴君, ?
A tyrant; but our masters then可这些主子总还是本国人。
Were still, at least, our countrymen.
刻松尼斯的那位暴君 ?
The tyrant of the Chersonese是非常勇敢的自由之友;Was freedom's best and bravest friend;米太亚得是他的大名!
That tyrant was Miltiades!
that the present hour would lend再来个暴君,同样的铁腕!
Another despot of the kind!
Such chains as his were sure to bind.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
苏里的山区,巴加的海域, ?
On Suli's rock, and Parga's shore ,至今保留着一族遗民,Exists the remnant of a line倒像多里斯母亲的儿女; ?
Such as the Doric mothers bore;那地方可能播下了良种,And there, perhaps, some seed is sown ,赫丘利血统也许会认同。
The Heracleidan blood might own.
要取得自由,别指望西方, ?
Trust not for freedom to the Franks—他们的国王做的是买卖;They have a king who buys and sells;本土的战士,本土的刀枪,In native swords, and native ranks,是你们杀敌的唯一依赖:The only hope of courage dwells;土耳其动武,拉丁人诱惑, ?
But Turkish force, and Latin fraud ,会把你们的盾牌戳破!
Would break your shield, however broad.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
树荫下少女们翩翩起舞——Our virgins dance beneath the shade—我看见乌黑的眼睛闪亮,I see their glorious black eyes shine;我凝视容光焕发的丽姝;But gazing on each glowing maid,想起来,我不禁热泪难抑:My own the burning tear-drop laves,她们的乳房都得喂奴隶!
To think such breasts must suckle slaves .
让我登上苏尼翁石岩, ?
Place me on Sunium's marbled steep.
那里只剩下我和海波,Where nothing, save the waves and I,听得见我们在喃喃交谈,May hear our mutual murmurs sweep;我愿做天鹅,临终前高歌: ?
There, swan-like, let me sing and die:一个奴隶的国度,我不要!
A land of slaves shall ne'er be mine—把这杯萨摩斯浊酒摔掉!
Dash down yon cup of Samian wine!