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Gaga生肉装 雷你没商量



Meat the man behind Gaga's most outrageous dress: Sergio Vigilato, animal preserver to the stars.

The steaks were certainly high when pop icon Lady Gaga stepped out at the MTV Music Awards, in a dress made entirely of meat.

The fashion statement took the world by storm, and the dress was an instant classic.


关于这件生肉装的最终保存师”Sergio Vigilato近日走到了镜头前,向大家介绍了这件100%原生态生肉装的制作流程。

  But when the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame and Museum came calling for the most sought after piece of music memorabilia, preserving this juicy piece of music history would require the talents of Hollywood’s best taxidermist.

He is Mr.

Sergio Vigilato, 66, from Burbank, California, a former member of a popular Brazilian rock n’ roll band.

'It was incredibly difficult to preserve that dress,' he said.

'It took me 3?



Sergio Vigilato功不可没,这位老先生不仅在设计上天赋惊人,而且年轻时还是巴西一摇滚乐团的成员呢。


Sergio Vigilato说:制作这件生肉礼服难度相当高,耗费了我整整3个半月的时间来缝纫该作品。

”  'Nobody wanted to touch that rotting piece of meat, except me.

I was Lady Gaga’s daredevil.

' Inside Vigilato’s shop, ‘American Taxidermy’, just north of Tinseltown, the walls are covered with exotic animals, skins and antlers.

A deer stares down at customers, while a famous movie producer's immortalized brown bear guards the door.


Sergio Vigilato继续说道:尽管礼服很炫目,但是没有一个人想要触碰这件作品,当然除了我,我的嘎嘎小姐背后的恶魔之手。


Sergio Vigilato的工作室被誉为美国标本工作室”,工作室的墙上布满了各式各样的动物标本、以及动物的表皮,一走进工作室,就能看到挂在墙上的鹿头”直视着你,而一头棕熊”充当保镖守护着整个工作室。

  Vigilato explains that he was contacted by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland two months after Lady Gaga donned the meat dress at the Sept.

12, 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, when she accepted the Video of the Year Award for Bad Romance.

'They called and said, ‘Sergio, do you know Lady Gaga?

’ I said, ‘No.

’ But they told me about the meat dress and the first thing I asked was, ‘Ok.

Where is it?

’ Sergio was at this point on a three-way call with Nicola Formichetti, Gaga’s head designer.

'Formichetti told me, ‘Um, it’s in my room with air conditioning.

’' Sergio was incensed.


’ I said!

‘It could have maggots by now.

Get it in a freezer!

’'  设计师Vigilato告诉记者,在嘎嘎小姐将出席2010年MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼生肉装”捐赠给----摇滚名人堂及博物馆后,他接到博馆馆的电话,博物馆的工作人员对于怎么保存这件礼服萌发了许多烦恼,他们问道:Sergio,你知道嘎嘎么?

” 我回答:不知道” Vigiloto继续问道:你们把生肉装放在哪里?

” 令人啼笑皆非的是,嘎嘎的时装首席设计师Formichetti 称:放在我的房间里,开着空调呢!



”  Upon his request, the 35-pound dress made of a dozen thin-cut flank steaks was quickly transported to the meat freezer at a local deli.

Then, when it showed up at Vigilato’s taxidermy shop 3?

weeks later, it was frozen stiff and maggot free.

But as it started to thaw, Sergio realized this would be a task only for a veteran such as him.




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