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Most viewers think "The Good Wife" had a really good season.

The Emmys apparently didn't agree.

  大多数观众都觉得这一季的 傲骨贤妻 不错,但艾美奖显然不这么认为。

  While star Julianna Margulies got her annual best-actress nomination from Emmy voters Thursday morning, the CBS fave became one of this year's most glaring snubs when it was ignored in the best-drama category.

  周四早上,女星朱丽安娜·玛格丽丝拿到了今年艾美奖最佳女主角的提名,但其主演的CBS热播剧 傲骨贤妻 竟未入围今年的最佳剧集提名,成为了今年艾美奖的一大冷门。

  At the same time, a best-drama nomination did fall to Netflix's "House of Cards," which frankly did not have such a good year.

  Netflix网络剧 纸牌屋 同样未能入围最佳剧集提名,不过坦白来说,今年这部剧确实不怎么样。

  "Good Wife" joins several other shows and performers who can justifiably wonder why they didn't get a nomination - including Tatiana Maslany from BBC America's "Orphan Black," who was missing from the best actress/drama list, and James Spader of NBC's "The Blacklist," who was delisted from best actor/drama.

   傲骨贤妻 之外,还有许多剧集和演员完全有理由质疑自己为什么没有被提名,其中包括BBC America 黑色孤儿 的主演蒂凡妮·玛斯兰尼,她未入围剧情类最佳女主角,NBC新剧 黑名单 男主詹姆斯·斯派德的境遇也与之相同。

  Fans of Showtime's "Masters of Sex" wanted to know why Michael Sheen didn't get a best-actor nod, though the reason probably lay in the fact he was competing in the category with the most qualified candidates.

  Showtime剧集 性爱大师 的粉丝想知道为什么麦克·辛落选最佳男主角,不过这大概是因为他的竞争者都很强。

  His costar Lizzy Caplan did get a deserved nomination as best actress/drama.


  In what has almost become a sad running gag, FX's "Sons of Anarchy" was ignored both as best drama and for the outstanding work of its lead actress, Katey Sagal.

  FX的 混乱之子 再次遇冷让人无语,今年也未能入围最佳剧集,尽管凯特蕾·萨加尔的表演可圈可点,也同样未能入围最佳女主角。

  "Sons" was nominated for best original music, which almost feels like a taunt - as if the Emmys are saying, "We know you're there.

We just don't like you.

"  该剧仅入围最佳原创音乐提名,这看上去更为讽刺,就好像艾美奖投票者在说,我们知道你的存在,我们就是不喜欢你。

”  Likewise, "The Walking Dead" got only two minor nominations, suggesting Emmy voters can't figure out why it's the most popular show on all of television among younger viewers.

   行尸走肉 也仅获得两项不重要的提名,显示艾美奖的投票者们其实不能理解为什么它在更年轻的观众群中是最受欢迎的剧集。

  There is a little bit of story and acting going on there, you know, and if the problem is that it's a violent ensemble drama, that doesn't explain why "Game of Thrones" - a violent ensemble drama - got the most nominations of any show.

  这部剧集以暴力为卖点,剧情和表演都差一些,这可能是它遇冷的原因,但却解释不了为什么另一部以暴力为卖点的剧集 权力的游戏 却以最多的提名傲视群雄。

  In the best drama categories, that's fairly easy.


  "Homeland" lost its best-drama spot because it had a down year, though Claire Danes still got a nomination.

   国土安全 落选是因为今年表现不佳,不过女主角克莱尔·丹尼斯获得了提名。

  But "House of Cards," which also had a down year, kept its nomination slot, presumably on residual buzz from a year earlier.

That spot could quite fairly have gone to "The Good Wife.

"   纸牌屋 今年表现也不怎么样,但它却保住了自己的位子,这可能是因为它去年的热潮还未散去。

把它的提名留给 傲骨贤妻 也许会比较公平。

  It's impossible not to love Michelle Dockery on "Downton Abbey," but this was a quiet year for Lady Mary.

She could have taken a season off, giving Maslany that slot.

  虽然 唐顿庄园 的女主米歇尔·道克瑞人见人爱,但Lady Mary今年确实没什么大动作。

她可以休息一下,把位子让给 黑色孤儿的 玛斯兰尼。

  Over on the comedy side, Emmy Rossum of "Shameless" deserved a nomination, and so did Thomas Middleditch of "Silicon Valley.

"  喜剧奖项提名中, 无耻之徒 的艾米·罗森本应获得提名, 硅谷 男主托马斯·米德勒蒂奇也是同样。

  On the other hand, it was gratifying that Emmy recognized "Silicon Valley" in other categories.

  不过好在 硅谷 获得了别的奖项的提名。



