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蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明 发布新海报 于3月上映



还有几周我们就要见证DC的两大英雄的终极对决了,导演Zack Snyder让粉丝们赶紧选好立场,站好队。

  华纳兄弟发布了一张新的 蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明 的官方海报,并配上新标题:谁终将胜利?

”  除了海报以外,还为两位英雄各配上了全新的推特表情。

并在推特上发布了一段视频,导演Zack Snyder鼓励粉丝们在社交平台上参与蝙蝠侠or超人”(令人伤心的是并没有神奇女侠这一选项)的话题,支持自己喜欢的一方。

   蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明 将于3月25日上映。

  We‘re only a few weeks away from the ultimate showdown between two of DC Comics’ greatest heroes, and now, Zack Snyder is asking fans to pick a side in the battle between Batman and Superman.

  Warner Bros.

released a new look at Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s two titular superheroes today with a new official poster, unveiling the film’s new tagline: Who will win?

”  The poster’s release was accompanied by brand new Twitter emoji for each hero, and in a video posted to Twitter today, Snyder encouraged fans to pick a side on social media by tweeting using the hashtags #Batman or #Superman.

(Sadly, there’s no Wonder Woman option.

)  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will hit theaters on March 25.

【蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明 发布新海报 于3月上映查看网站:[db:时间]】


