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漫威电影死侍 票房破纪录收获1.35亿美元!



死侍 在其首映周末中成为了首部票房超1亿美元的R级电影,创造了历史。

据权威票房网站Box Office Mojo计算,瑞安·雷诺兹的这部电影赚了1.


  在 死侍 上映之前,R级公映电影最高票房纪录保持者是 黑客帝国2:重装上阵 ,在2003年首映时收获了9180万美元。

   死侍 同时也打破了去年上映的 五十度灰 创下的总统日记录,其曾在4天内收获9300万美元的票房。

目前据预计 死侍 将在周末结束时票房有望超过1.


  同期上映的另外两部新片 单身指南 和 超级名模2 与 死侍 相比毫无竞争力,甚至没有一部能位居第二,取而代之的是 功夫熊猫3 ,收获了1970万美元的票房,达科塔·约翰逊的 单身指南 以1880万美元的票房紧随其后位居第三,其次是预期的 超级名模 续集,收获了1570万美元。

  Box Office: Deadpool Earns Record-Breaking $135 MillionDeadpool made history by becoming the first R-rated movie to break $100 million in its opening weekend.

According to Box Office Mojo, the Ryan Reynolds movie earned $135 million, doubling the initial predictions of $65 million.

The previous record-holder for biggest R-rated opening was The Matrix Reloaded, which earned $91.

8 million when it premiered in 2003.

Deadpool also beat the President's Day record Fifty Shades of Grey set last year, which earned $93 million over four days.

Deadpool is currently expected to earn $150 million by the time the weekend is over.

The most exciting movies coming in 2016The other two new releases, How to Be Single and Zoolander 2, failed to give Deadpool any competition, with neither even able to take the second spot.

Instead, Kung Fu Panda 3 came in second with $19.

7 million.

The Dakota Johnson flick How to Be Single came in third with $18.

8 million, followed by the anticipated Zoolander sequel, which earned $15.

7 million.

【漫威电影死侍 票房破纪录收获1.35亿美元!查看网站:[db:时间]】


