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权力的游戏 第六季剧情:是时候来场终极大战!
如果你觉得 权力的游戏 第五季异鬼入侵已经很牛掰了,那么好戏才刚开场呢。
在即将来临的第六季,HBO的热播剧 权力的游戏 已经完成拍摄绝对的终极一战”,编剧兼制作人Byran Cogman 告诉 娱乐周刊 : 我们一直想等一个合适的时机——故事剧情已经发展纯属,整个剧组的预算非常合理,时间刚刚好且能达到资源最大化,在这样的时候,摄制一场势均力敌的战役。
” Byran Cogman补充道:双方各有一支军队。
” 听起来这场战争更接近我们在电影中见到的鸿篇巨制,只不过囿于电视屏幕,呈现出来的场面会被大大限制。
据 娱乐周刊 描述:(这场战争中)双方除了有千军万马,还有情节清晰贯穿始终的敌我双方斗智斗勇。
”正如Byran Cogman所说:是一场势均力敌的战争。
” 负责本剧运作的Dan Weiss承认这是本剧最鸿篇巨制的战争场景,启用了最多的临时演员和战马,由执导了第五季中异鬼攻占野人领地(Hardhome)场景的Miguel Sapochnik执导。
’”Dan Weiss说道,观众也想知道怎样拍出这些战争场景中的细节,不是乱哄哄一团糟的混乱,而是包含了地形的、情节有起有伏的细节场景,因为关键是,观众知道为什么。
” 权利的游戏 四月回归之时,我想我们也会知道为什么。
'Game of Thrones' is about to get its 'biggest' battle yet in season 6 If you thought the attack of the White Walkers last season was a lot, things are about to get turned up on "Game of Thrones.
"HBO's hit drama has filmed "definitely the biggest" action sequence yet for the upcoming sixth season, writer-producer Bryan Cogman told Entertainment Weekly.
"We've always wanted to get to a place — story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise — where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side," he added.
And it sounds like this battle will be closer to the classic wartime scenes you're used to in movies, with CGI kept to a minimum.
As EW describes it: "hundreds of human soldiers on one side of a field, another army on the other side, and then there is a clash that is highly tactical, yet character-driven, and shown from start to finish.
" Or as Cogman says: a "proper battle.
" Showrunner Dan Weiss confirmed it's the most ambitious battle the show's seen, with the largest number of extras, as well as horses.
It was directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who also did "Hardhome," the season-five episode with the onslaught of White Walkers.
Shooting took a month.
"We wondered, 'Why don’t you see more fully fleshed-out battles in movies and TV?
'" Weiss said.
"Then you get into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to actually shoot these things in a way that isn’t just helter-skelter chaos but actually gives you a sense of battle geography and the ebb and flow, and you realize why.
" When "Game of Thrones" comes back on the air in April, we'll see why, too.
【权力的游戏 第六季剧情:是时候来场终极大战!查看网站:[db:时间]】
在即将来临的第六季,HBO的热播剧 权力的游戏 已经完成拍摄绝对的终极一战”,编剧兼制作人Byran Cogman 告诉 娱乐周刊 : 我们一直想等一个合适的时机——故事剧情已经发展纯属,整个剧组的预算非常合理,时间刚刚好且能达到资源最大化,在这样的时候,摄制一场势均力敌的战役。
” Byran Cogman补充道:双方各有一支军队。
” 听起来这场战争更接近我们在电影中见到的鸿篇巨制,只不过囿于电视屏幕,呈现出来的场面会被大大限制。
据 娱乐周刊 描述:(这场战争中)双方除了有千军万马,还有情节清晰贯穿始终的敌我双方斗智斗勇。
”正如Byran Cogman所说:是一场势均力敌的战争。
” 负责本剧运作的Dan Weiss承认这是本剧最鸿篇巨制的战争场景,启用了最多的临时演员和战马,由执导了第五季中异鬼攻占野人领地(Hardhome)场景的Miguel Sapochnik执导。
’”Dan Weiss说道,观众也想知道怎样拍出这些战争场景中的细节,不是乱哄哄一团糟的混乱,而是包含了地形的、情节有起有伏的细节场景,因为关键是,观众知道为什么。
” 权利的游戏 四月回归之时,我想我们也会知道为什么。
'Game of Thrones' is about to get its 'biggest' battle yet in season 6 If you thought the attack of the White Walkers last season was a lot, things are about to get turned up on "Game of Thrones.
"HBO's hit drama has filmed "definitely the biggest" action sequence yet for the upcoming sixth season, writer-producer Bryan Cogman told Entertainment Weekly.
"We've always wanted to get to a place — story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise — where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side," he added.
And it sounds like this battle will be closer to the classic wartime scenes you're used to in movies, with CGI kept to a minimum.
As EW describes it: "hundreds of human soldiers on one side of a field, another army on the other side, and then there is a clash that is highly tactical, yet character-driven, and shown from start to finish.
" Or as Cogman says: a "proper battle.
" Showrunner Dan Weiss confirmed it's the most ambitious battle the show's seen, with the largest number of extras, as well as horses.
It was directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who also did "Hardhome," the season-five episode with the onslaught of White Walkers.
Shooting took a month.
"We wondered, 'Why don’t you see more fully fleshed-out battles in movies and TV?
'" Weiss said.
"Then you get into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to actually shoot these things in a way that isn’t just helter-skelter chaos but actually gives you a sense of battle geography and the ebb and flow, and you realize why.
" When "Game of Thrones" comes back on the air in April, we'll see why, too.
【权力的游戏 第六季剧情:是时候来场终极大战!查看网站:[db:时间]】
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