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速度与激情 为何屡成票房奇迹



When The Fast and the Furious ( 速度与激情 ) appeared in 2001, it seemed unlikely that the movie would be the opening chapter (开篇) of one of the greatest success stories of contemporary (当代的) movies.

However, the action movie became a franchise (系列作品) that has made Universal Pictures billions of dollars.

The eighth movie in the series, The Fate of the Furious (2017), sped past a global box office record after it came out on April 14.

According to Variety, it drove off with a $190 million (1.

3 billion yuan) opening weekend win at the Chinese box office, breaking lots of records in the country.

”2001年 速度与激情 上映时,谁也不会想到它会成为当代最成功的电影之一的开篇之作。


今年4月14日上映以来,该系列的第八部电影 —— 速度与激情8:宿命 (2017)便快速打破了全球票房纪录。

据美国权威影视杂志 综艺 报道,该电影登陆中国票房的首个周末便以1.


”So what is so special about the Fast and Furious series?


Above all, the movies are part of the most successful genres (类型) of recent years: superhero films.

As movie review site Screen Rant put it, Fast and Furious is a superhero franchise in disguise (伪装)”.

Like the Avengers movies, fans love the spectacle (壮观) of teams of heroes, each individual with a special skill, as well as the group dynamic (活力) that develops when they work together.


正如电影评论网站Screen Rant 所指出的那样,速度与激情”是一个经过伪装的超级英雄系列”。


And although the Fast and Furious heroes are only human, the movies attract the same kind of audiences as Marvel’s superhero stories.


Yet the main difference that sets the Fast and Furious series apart is the diversity (多元) of its cast (演员).

The franchise is about teams of male and female heroes drawn from every major ethnic (种族的) group in the US: Latinos, African-Americans and Asians.

In 2011, Boston Globe film critic Wesley Morris wrote: The most progressive (进步的) force in Hollywood today is the Fast and Furious movies.

” He pointed out that the series features race as a fact of life as opposed (相对的) to a social problem or an occasion (场合) for self-congratulation.



2011年, 波士顿环球报 影评人韦斯利·莫里斯写道:在今天的好莱坞中,最进步的一股力量就是‘速度与激情’系列电影”。


”Its multi-cultural cast is much like its audiences.

Everyone who goes to see one of these movies sees someone like themselves on screen.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the film franchise is doing a much better job of reflecting (反映) its audience than others in Hollywood.



据 娱乐周刊 报道,该电影系列在反映观众的这一角度上,做得比好莱坞其他任何一部电影都要好。

As US actor Vin Diesel, one of the series’ stars, told Entertainment Weekly: It doesn’t matter what nationality you are.

As a member of the audience, you realize you can be a member of that ‘family’.

That’s the beautiful thing about how the franchise has developed.

”就像该系列的明星、美国演员范·迪塞尔在接受 娱乐周刊 采访时所说的那样:国籍并不重要。



”The message is clear,” wrote Entertainment Weekly.

Multiculturalism sells.

” Box office receipts (收据) certainly don’t lie.

这已经显而易见,” 娱乐周刊 写道。



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