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战狼2 刷新中国影史票房纪录



Domestic action film Wolf Warrior 2 topped the box office in an unprecedented number, grossing 3.

4 billion yuan (roughly $506 million) in just 13 days.

国产动作片 战狼2 以前所未有的成绩登顶票房榜榜首,在短短的13天内,就将34亿人民币(约合5.


The movie, directed and starring action star Wu Jing, is now China`s top grossing film, breaking the record previously held by Steven Chow`s fantasy comedy The Mermaid.

如今,这部由动作明星吴京自导自演的电影成为了中国票房收入最高的电影,打破了周星驰的奇幻喜剧电影 美人鱼 先前创下的票房纪录。

Wolf Warrior 2 tells the story of a former Chinese Special Forces operative`s adventures journey to rescue compatriots and local friends in a war-torn region of Africa occupied by insurgents and mercenaries.

战狼2 讲述了一名中国特种部队前特工的冒险故事,他在被叛乱分子和雇佣兵占领的非洲战乱地区,拯救同胞和当地好友。

The success of the film has surpassed the anticipations of all, including the production team.


"Yu Shizhi once said: `The audience is kind.

They see all flaws, but don`t tell.

` I will continue to work hard to shoot great films for Chinese viewers," said director Wu.



The movie is shattering records at astonishing speed.

Single-day earnings exceeded 200 million yuan for more than 10 days, breaking new grounds for China`s box office records.

The impetus has been strong right from start, as sales topped 1 billion yuan in just five days, 2billion in eight days and 3billion in 11 days, according to data released by Sina Entertainment.


在十多天的时间里, 战狼2 的单日票房都超过了2亿元,创下了中国新的票房纪录。


Wolf Warrior 2 and the previous record-holder The Mermaid were released in similar number of theaters and both recorded similar attendance in the first eight days of screening.

However, starting from day nine, the number of ticket sales for The Mermaid began to fall, whereas that for Wolf Warrior 2 continued to grow.

战狼2 和先前的票房纪录保持者 美人鱼 上映院线的数量相仿,上映前八天的观影人数也相差无几。

然而,从第九天开始, 美人鱼 的票房收入有所下降,而 战狼2 的票房仍在持续飙升。

Despite kung fu being a familiar element in Chinese films, military action had a large void to fill in China`s film market.

Prior to Wolf Warrior 2, the highest earning action film in China was action comedy Kung Fu Yoga (2017) starring Jackie Chan, which earned 1.

75 billion yuan.

The box office record for out-and-out military action was held by Operation Mekong (2016) with 1.

18 billion yuan in ticket sales.


在 战狼2 之前,中国票房收入最高的动作电影是成龙主演的喜剧动作片 功夫瑜伽 (2017),共获得17.



8亿人民币票房的 湄公河行动  (2016) 保持。

【战狼2 刷新中国影史票房纪录查看网站:[db:时间]】


