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期待复仇者联盟3 和它的神秘宝石



复仇者联盟3:无限战争 是复仇者联盟系列电影的第三部,是漫威电影宇宙的第十九部电影,将与 雷神3:诸神黄昏 剧情连接,该片将于2018年4月27日在美国上映,2018年5月11日在中国大陆上映。


As film fans await the premiere of Avengers: Infinity Warand its ambitious attempt to cluster dozens of heroes onto a single screen, there is another seminal gathering taking place in the film that has diehard fans every bit as eager: the assembling of all six ‘Infinity Stones’.

Described as ingots of unfathomable power, the remnants of singularities that existed ‘in a time before creation itself’, the Infinity Stones have appeared in Marvel Studios’ films throughout the last decade, though never all together.

全球影迷都在等待 复仇者联盟3:无限战争 的首映,漫威野心勃勃的将数十位英雄都放在了同一部电影中。




Thus far, we have seen that these stones are capable of turning back time, opening portals across the galaxy, and destroying entire planets, so the assembling of all six certainly qualifies as a threat worthy of the entire retinue of Marvel’s heroes.

However, though the threat of the combined Infinity Stones is new for the Marvel films, the mythos behind these mystical gemstones is anything but.




The creative forces at Marvel have never shied away from incorporating mythological influences into their stories, from the more subtle echoes of the ‘hero’s journey’ in Spiderman to the overt co-opting of figures like Thor, Loki and Odin.

The Infinity Stones are no exception to the trend, and are simply the latest in a long line of humanity’s celebrated mythological stones.



Every mythology comes with its own legendary artifacts, but stones that bear mysterious, otherworldly properties are by far one of the most pervasive throughout civilisations.

From the countless medieval lapidaries purporting the healing and apotropaic properties of gemstones to the widespread misidentification of neolithic arrowheads as ‘thunderstones’, virtually every culture shows some evidence in the belief of mystical stones.



Some of these legends have proved so culturally embedded that we instantly recognise them today.

Take the Philosopher’s Stone, the alchemical gem capable of turning lead into gold and producing the elixir of life, which has remained so universally relevant that it’s served as a major plot point in modern works as disparate as the Harry Potter books, the Japanese manga Fullmetal Alchemist, one of the Uncle Scrooge comics featuring Donald Duck, and a Satyajit Ray film.

The Philosopher’s Stone was even the name of a Van Morrison album.



贤者之石仍是家喻户晓,乃至于它成为了很多现代作品的主要情节,像 哈利波特 、日本漫画 钢之炼金术师 、唐老鸭出演的 史高治舅舅 动画、Satyajit Ray出演的电影。

甚至Van Morrison的专辑都用了 贤者之石 作名字。

But that’s just scratching the surface of the quarry.

The stones sought out by the superheroes of today are known for their power to bend the laws of nature, and are therefore perhaps more akin to the likes of the Japanese kanju and manju, fabled jewels that would grant the owner control over the tides, or the gems of Mayan myth that harnessed the power of the elements.

The Romans even claimed to be in possession of such artifacts themselves, submerging a special stone known as the lapis manalis in water with the hopes of bringing rain in a ritual known as aquaelicium.





罗马人还号称拥有这样的神器,他们会在一个名叫Aquaelicium(译者注:拉丁文,英文意思是Rain-Making,祈雨)的仪式上将一枚特殊的宝石Lapis Manalis(译者注:拉丁文,英文意思是Stone of the Manes,摩尼之石)放入水中,希望借此带来降水。

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