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权力的游戏 最终季定档2019上半年



The final season of Game Of Thrones' is set to debut in the 'first half' of next year, according to Casey Bloys, HBO's programming president.

HBO节目部负责人凯西·布洛斯说, 权力的游戏 最终季将于明年上半年首播。

Speaking at the Television Critics Association summer event on Wednesday in Beverly Hills, California, he adeptly avoided confirming any more about the highly-anticipated eighth season of the hit fantasy show.


But, speaking to Deadline, he said of the upcoming prequel, currently using the working title The Long Night, that: 'There are very strong female characters but it's an ensembles, there is men and women.

’但他同 Deadline 网站谈到了即将上映的暂定名字为长夜”的这部前传,有非常强大的女性角色,但这是一个群戏,男人和女人都是如此。

”Discussing the show further, Bloys added: 'Jane [Goldman, the prequel's scriptwriter] is a very good writer, we don't want to limit her to writing female leads.

There are a lot of very complicated leads in [the pilot].



”Of writing the new series, he noted that Goldman 'did not go into that wanting to answer anything about Game of Thrones; it was the story that spoke to her.

’谈及撰写新系列,他指出高曼并没有投入于回答 权力的游戏 的任何问题;是这个故事告诉了她答案。

”Bloys confirmed that the prequel will begin production in 2019, refuting claims that filming would begin in October of this year, as he said: 'When I say we're hoping to go into production in 2019, we have to find a director, we have to cast it.


”HBO have previously described the spin-off as: 'Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series chronicles the world's descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour.

HBO此前曾将这一衍生剧描述为:发生在 权力的游戏 发生数千年之前,该系列记录了黄金的英雄纪元时代进入最黑暗时刻的过程。

'And only one thing is for sure: from the horrifying secrets of Westeros's history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East, to the Starks of legend it's not the story we think we know.


”【权力的游戏 最终季定档2019上半年查看网站:[db:时间]】


