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剧透权游 第八季开场,你想知道的都在这儿



The final season of Game of Thrones is coming and, like winter in Westeros, it's taking FOR-EVER.

If you're the kind of Thrones fan who lives on a scant diet of spoilers between seasons, then keep reading for a few tasty morsels about Season 8 below.

If you're the kind of fan who plugs your ears and hums at the very mention of Game of Thrones in your dedication to avoid spoilers, then take your fingers out of your ears and use them to click away now because there are some mild Season 8 spoilers below.

权力的游戏 最终季即将上映,就像维斯特洛大陆凛冬将至, 权游 的冬天也来了。

如果你是 权游 粉,急需大量剧透,请享受以下情节小食~如果你是那种属于遇见剧透就要捂住耳朵的粉丝,记得放开耳朵然后关闭我们的页面哟。

Season 8 will begin at Winterfell第八季将始于史塔克家族。

"Season 8 opens at Winterfell with an episode that contains plenty of callbacks to the show’s pilot.

Instead of King Robert’s procession arriving, it’s Daenerys and her army.

What follows is a thrilling and tense intermingling of characters—some of whom have never previously met, many who have messy histories—as they all prepare to face the inevitable invasion of the Army of the Dead.




”Sansa doesn't like Daenerys桑萨不喜欢丹妮莉丝At least not right away.

According to EW, "Sansa isn’t thrilled that Jon bent the knee to his fancy new Targaryen girlfriend, at least not at first.


据 娱乐周刊 报道:桑萨对乔恩为丹尼莉丝单膝下跪的行为并不感冒,至少第一次的时候无感。

”The final season will be "bittersweet"最终季将悲喜交加”We all know this is code for "emotionally devastating, but narratively satisfying.


"It’s about all of these disparate characters coming together to face a common enemy, dealing with their own past, and defining the person they want to be in the face of certain death," co-executive producer Bryan Cogman told EW.

"It’s an incredibly emotional, haunting, bittersweet final season, and I think it honors very much what George set out to do—which is flipping this kind of story on its head.


”联合执行制作人布莱恩·葛克曼告诉 娱乐周刊 。


”Game of Thrones Season 8 premieres sometime in 2019.

权力的游戏 第八季将于2019年上线。

【剧透权游 第八季开场,你想知道的都在这儿查看网站:[db:时间]】


