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星际迷航:皮卡德 最新海报的主角和他的宠物狗



New ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Poster Features Sir Patrick Stewart And His Companion Dog 星际迷航:皮卡德 最新海报的主角帕特里克•斯图尔特爵士和他的宠物狗Star Trek fans all over the world are stoked as the new poster for the upcoming Star Trek: Picard series has been revealed.

In it, Patrick Stewart’s legendary character – Jean-Luc Picard has got himself a furry friend.

The poster, which was shared on the actor’s Instagram this Wednesday, features 78-year-old Stewart joined by a muscular dog believed to be a Staffordshire Pit Terrier.

The brooding captain is standing atop a hill with his new friend that has a Starfleet emblem on his collar.

随着即将上映的 星际迷航:皮卡德 新海报的发布,全世界的 星际迷航 迷们都很兴奋。




The new poster for Star Trek: Picard has been revealed 星际迷航:皮卡德 的海报发布了Image credits: Patrick StewartThe legendary British actor Patrick Stewart played the Starfleet captain on the Star Trek: Next Generation series, which aired from 1987 to 1994.

Now, the upcoming Star Trek: Picard picks up 15 years after Picard left the Federation’s service, as per the previously released teaser.

The new Star Trek show, Picard, premieres on CBS All Access later this year.

传奇英国演员帕特里克·斯图尔特在1987年至1994年播出的 星际迷航:下一代 中饰演星际舰队队长。

现在,根据之前发布的预告片,即将上映的 星际迷航:皮卡德 将在皮卡德离开联邦调查局15年后继续上映。

星际迷航 新剧 皮卡德 将于今年晚些时候在CBS All Access频道首播。

The actor is known to be a passionate advocate for fostering dogs众所周知,这位演员热衷于养狗Image credits: Sir Patrick StewartIn the picture above, Sir Stewart is seen snuggling with a foster girl, Ginger, that he took up back in 2017 and helped her find a forever home.

Now, this year, the actor took up a lovely, 38-pound pocket pitbull mix named Emma.



More info: Instagram | Facebook【星际迷航:皮卡德 最新海报的主角和他的宠物狗查看网站:[db:时间]】


