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儿童歌曲宝贝鲨鱼 登顶油管流量冠军



Baby Shark, the infuriatingly catchy children's rhyme recorded by South Korean company Pinkfong, has become the most-watched video ever on YouTube.

韩国碰碰狐公司录制的超洗脑儿童歌曲 宝贝鲨鱼 成为油管有史以来浏览量最高的视频。

The song has now been played 7.

04 billion times, overtaking the previous record holder Despacito, the Latin pop smash by singer Luis Fonsi.


4亿次,超越了前任冠军——歌手路易斯·冯西演唱的热门拉丁流行歌曲 Despacito 保持的记录。

Played back-to-back, that would mean Baby Shark has been streamed continuously for 30,187 years.

这意味着,在连续播放的情况下, 宝贝鲨鱼 总计播放时间达3万零187年。

Pinkfong stands to have made about $5.

2m from YouTube streams alone.


It took four years for Baby Shark to ascend to the top of YouTube's most-played chart, but the song is actually much older than that.

宝贝鲨鱼 花了四年时间才上升到油管播放量榜首,但这首歌诞生的时间要早得多。

It is thought to have originated in US summer camps in the 1970s.

One theory says it was invented in 1975, as Steven Spielberg's Jaws became an box office smash around the world.


一个说法是,这首歌创作于1975年,同年,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的 大白鲨 成为世界各地的卖座电影。

There are a huge number of variations on the basic premise, including one version where a surfer loses an arm to the shark, and another where the protagonist dies.

在 宝贝鲨鱼 基础上还衍生出了大量变奏曲,在一个版本中一个冲浪者被鲨鱼咬掉了一只胳膊,还有一个版本的主角死了。

But none of them could match the phenomenal success of Pinkfong's interpretation, which was sung by 10-year-old Korean-American singer Hope Segoine and uploaded to YouTube in 2015.


It's addictive "doo doo doo doo doo doo" hook and fishy dance moves became a craze in South Korea, where popular bands like Red Velvet, Girls' Generation and Blackpink started incorporating it into their concerts.

歌曲中魔性的嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟”和鱼一般的舞蹈动作在韩国风靡一时,韩国人气女团Red Velvet、少女时代和Blackpink都在演唱会上唱过 宝贝鲨鱼 。

The following June, Pinkfong put out a second video, titled Baby Shark Dance, featuring two cute kids performing the dance routine.

2016年六月,碰碰狐推出了第二个视频,名叫 宝贝鲨鱼舞 ,视频中的两个可爱小孩跳起了鲨鱼舞。

That clip that inspired the hashtag #BabySharkChallenge - with everyone from Indonesian farmworkers to pop stars Cardi B and Josh Groban joining the fun.


The song is catnip for children, whose appetite for repetition has undoubtedly helped it climb the ranks of YouTube's most-watched videos.


"Nursery rhymes have always been sort of slow, very cute, but something that would help your children fall asleep - as opposed to Baby Shark," Pinkfong's marketing director Jamie Oh told the BBC in 2018.

碰碰狐公司的营销总监杰米·欧在2018年告诉BBC说:儿歌都比较慢,很好听,但有助于孩子入睡, 宝贝鲨鱼 正相反。

”"Pinkfong's Baby Shark is very trendy and it has a very bright beat with fun dance moves.

The animation is very vivid.

We call it K-Pop for the next generation.

"碰碰狐的 宝贝鲨鱼 很新潮,节奏明快,舞蹈动作也很有趣。



”The company is turning the song into a movie and a musical, and aspires to make Baby Shark "another classic for kids music, like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", Oh added.

欧补充道,公司正在将这首歌改编为一部电影和一部音乐剧,并立志让 宝贝鲨鱼 成为又一首经典儿歌,就像 一闪一闪小星星 一样”。

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