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2022年12月21日 Bode 和 Morgan Miller 的儿子 Asher 因热性惊厥住院



Bode and Morgan Miller's Son Asher Hospitalized After Suffering Febrile SeizureBode 和 Morgan Miller 的儿子 Asher 因热性惊厥住院Morgan Miller revealed on her Instagram Dec.

20 that her 3-year-old son Asher was hospitalized after suffering a febrile seizure.

Find out more.

12 月 20 日,摩根·米勒 (Morgan Miller) 在她的 Instagram 上透露,她 3 岁的儿子亚瑟 (Asher) 在患热性惊厥后住院治疗。


Bode and Morgan Miller's winter break has started on a scary note.

Bode 和 Morgan Miller的寒假以可怕的方式开始。

On Dec.

20, Morgan revealed on social media that one of her and the Olympic skier's twin sons, Asher, 3, had suffered a febrile seizure, which is convulsion caused by a fever and often from an infection, according to Mayo Clinic.

据梅奥诊所称,12 月 20 日,摩根在社交媒体上透露,她和奥林匹克滑雪选手的双胞胎儿子之一 、3 岁的阿舍尔(Asher ) 出现了高热惊厥,这是由发烧引起的抽搐,通常是由感染引起的。

"Life is constantly walking a knife edge and it's not something we're unfamiliar with," Morgan wrote on her Instagram Stories, alongside a photo of her son in the hospital lying on Bode.

"Yesterday, Asher had a febrile seizure which scared us half to death.

We took that same ambulance to the same hospital we took Emmy to but this time we got to leave with our child.

"摩根在她的Instagram故事中写道:生活总是在刀刃上行走,这不是我们不熟悉的事情,” 旁边还有一张她儿子躺在博德医院的照片。

昨天,Asher 出现了高热惊厥,把我们吓得半死。

我们乘坐同一辆救护车去送 Emmy 去的同一家医院,但这次我们得带着孩子离开。

”In a following post, Morgan shared how the situation happening so close to the holidays caused her to reflect on what's most important.

在接下来的帖子中,Morgan 分享了在临近假期时发生的情况如何让她反思最重要的事情。

"He's home and back to his normal self," she said.

"I am reminded to slow down and realize life's little gifts during this crazy holiday season because we already have everything we need.

Our loved ones.

Our health.

And more time.






”Sharing a final pic of her little one and Bode, she concluded, "Because time with the ones we love is all we could ever ask for.


”In addition to Asher, Bode and Morgan share Nash, 8, Easton, 4, Aksel, 3, and 13-month-old daughter Scarlett Olivia.

The two are also parents to daughter Emmy, who tragically passed away at 19 months old after an accidental drowning in June 2018.

除了亚瑟,博德和摩根还有 8 岁的纳什、 4 岁的伊斯顿、3 岁的阿克塞尔和 13 个月大的女儿斯嘉丽奥利维亚。

两人也是女儿艾美的父母,她在 2018 年 6 月意外溺水后不幸去世,年仅 19 个月。

Bode is also dad to son Nate, 10, and daughter Dace, 14, from his previous relationships.

博德也是 10 岁的儿子 内特和 14 岁的女儿 戴斯的父亲,他们之前有过一段恋情。

【2022年12月21日 Bode 和 Morgan Miller 的儿子 Asher 因热性惊厥住院查看网站:[db:时间]】


