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全球护照哪家强日本护照含金量最高 中国护照升值最快






According to the Henley Passport Index, compiled by global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners Citizens, Japan now has the most powerful passport on the planet.

根据全球公民和居住咨询公司Henley & Partners Citizens编纂的亨利护照指数,日本护照现在是全球最强大的护照。

Having gained visa-free access to Myanmar earlier in October, Japanese citizens can now enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to a whopping 190 destinations around the world -- knocking Singapore, with 189 destinations, into second place.


Germany, which began 2018 in the top spot, is now in third place with 188 destinations, tied with France and South Korea.


Uzbekistan lifted visa requirements for French nationals on October 5, having already granted visa-free access to Japanese and Singaporean citizens in early February.


South Korea gained visa-free access to Myanmar on October 1, while Paraguay removed visa requirements for Singaporean passport holders in 2017.


The United States and the UK, both with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 186 destinations, are in fifth place.

With neither having gained entry to any new jurisdictions this year, it seems unlikely that either will soon reclaim the No.

1 spot they held in 2015.



The United Arab Emirates is the decade's biggest success story when it comes to travel freedom.

It's risen from 62nd place in 2006 to now being No.

21 in the rankings.



It's also signed a visa-waiver agreement with Russia in July, due to come into effect in the coming months.


中国护照含金量爬升最快China recently obtained access to Myanmar and is now in 71st place, having climbed 14 places since the start of 2017.


Christian H.

Kälin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, commented in a statement on "the extraordinary results that states can achieve when they work hand in hand with their global peers to build a more interconnected and collaborative world.

Henley & Partners的集团董事长克里斯蒂安·H·凯林在一则声明中评论道:这种杰出的成绩是因为国家之间携手共创一个更加互联合作的世界。

"China and the UAE exemplify this kind of progress, with both states among the highest overall climbers compared to 2017, purely as a result of the strong relationships they have built with partner countries around the world.


”2018 年对中国公民免签、落地签的国家、地区已经多达 72 个。

来看看中国护照都能带我们免签去哪些地方:(一) 互免普通护照签证的国家(13个)阿联酋、巴巴多斯、巴哈马、波黑、厄瓜多尔、斐济、格林纳达、毛里求斯、圣马力诺共和国、塞舌尔、塞尔维亚、汤加、白俄罗斯(二) 单方面允许中国公民免签入境国家或地区名单(15个)亚洲(2个):印度尼西亚、韩国(济州岛等地)非洲(3个):摩洛哥、法属留尼汪、突尼斯美洲(7个):安提瓜和巴布达、海地、南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛(英国海外领地)、圣基茨和尼维斯、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英国海外领地)、牙买加、多米尼克大洋洲(3个):美属北马里亚纳群岛(塞班岛等)、萨摩亚、法属波利尼西亚(三)单方面允许中国公民办理落地签证国家和地区名单(45个)亚洲(20个):阿塞拜疆、巴林、东帝汶、印度尼西亚、卡塔尔、老挝、黎巴嫩、马尔代夫、缅甸、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、泰国、土库曼斯坦、文莱、伊朗、亚美尼亚、约旦、越南、柬埔寨、孟加拉国(注:印度尼西亚同时实行免签和落地签政策)非洲(16个):埃及、多哥、佛得角、加蓬、几内亚比绍、科摩罗、科特迪瓦、卢旺达、马达加斯加、马拉维、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、贝宁、津巴布韦美洲(4个):玻利维亚、圭亚那、苏里南、圣赫勒拿(英国海外领地)大洋洲(4个):帕劳、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图、巴布亚新几内亚欧洲(1个):乌克兰以上资料来源于中国领事服务网 (2018年10月9日更新)亨利护照指数实力排行1.

Japan: 190日本:190个目的地2.

Singapore: 189新加坡:189个目的地3.

Germany, France, South Korea: 188德国、法国、韩国:188个目的地4.

Denmark, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Spain: 187丹麦、芬兰、意大利、瑞典、西班牙:187个目的地5.

Norway, United Kingdom, Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United States: 186挪威、英国、奥地利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、美国:186个目的地6.

Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada: 185比利时、瑞士、爱尔兰、加拿大:185个目的地7.

Australia, Greece, Malta: 183澳大利亚、希腊、马耳他:183个目的地8.

New Zealand, Czech Republic: 182新西兰、捷克:182个目的地9.

Iceland: 181冰岛:181个目的地10.

Hungary, Slovenia, Malaysia: 180匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、马来西亚:180个目的地哪国的护照最不方便呢?

Joint last place on the updated Henley Passport Index list are Afghanistan and Iraq, with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 30 jurisdictions, just below Syria and Somalia (32) and Pakistan (33).


【全球护照哪家强日本护照含金量最高 中国护照升值最快查看网站:[db:时间]】


