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为大家准备了两会知识点和必备双语词:两会two sessions两会是全国人民代表大会”(the National People's Congress,NPC)和中国人民政治协商会议”(the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,CPPCC)的简称。

媒体一般把两会”译为two sessions。

▌今年召开的是十三届全国人大二次会议the second session of the 13th NPC全国政协十三届二次会议the second session of the 13th CPPCC▌2019两会开幕时间十三届全国人大二次会议:3月5日全国政协十三届二次会议:3月3日☆ 小贴士:为什么每年全国两会都在3月开?


❷全国人民代表大会the National People's Congress, NPC▌性质最高国家权力机关(the country's highest organ of State power)▌常设机关全国人民代表大会常务委员会(the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)▌任期每届任期5年,每年举行1次会议▌职权修改宪法,监督宪法实施;制定和修改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他的国家基本法律;The NPC exercises legislative power, amends the Constitution and supervises its enforcement, formulates and amends basic statutes and other laws.

选举、决定和罢免(elects, decides and recalls)国家机构组成人员;审查和决定基础的、长期的、重要的国家事务;The NPC examines and decides on the fundamental, long-term and key issues of the state.


The NPC supervises government work in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

☆ 全国人民代表大会用英语还可以表述为:national legislative body、national legislature、the country's top legislature▌人大代表选举方式根据 选举法 规定,县、乡两级人大代表由本行政区选民直接选举产生,省级、设区的市级人大代表由下一级人大选举产生,全国人大代表由省、自治区、直辖市、特别行政区和解放军选出的代表组成。

According to the Electoral Law, deputies to county- and township-level people's congresses are directly elected by voters, while deputies to people's congresses above the county-level are elected by deputies to people's congresses at the next lower level; deputies to the NPC are elected by people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.





Deputies to the NPC are elected by secret ballot, and the number of candidates is greater than the number of deputies to be elected by between one fifth and a half.

All parties and people's organizations may jointly or separately recommend candidates for NPC deputies, and a group of more than ten deputies to a provincial-level people's congress may recommend a candidate.

❸中国人民政治协商会议the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,CPPCC简称人民政协,是中国最高政治咨询机构(the top political advisory body),是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商的重要机构(multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China)。



The CPPCC is a patriotic united front organization of the Chinese people, serving as a key mechanism for multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and a major manifestation of socialist democracy.



Political consultation covers major principles and policies proposed by the central and local governments and matters of importance concerning political, economic, cultural and social affairs.

▌政协委员产生方式政协委员以协商推荐的方式产生(selected through consultation and recommendation)。

每届政协委员名额和人选经上届全国委员会主席会议审议同意后,由常务委员会协商决定(approved by the Chairs Council of the preceding CPPCC National Committee)。

政协委员是中国各个领域、各个界别的代表(The CPPCC members represent all areas and various sectors of society)。

❹容易混淆的两会提法▌全国人民代表大会成员是代表”(NPC deputies)人大代表提议案”(motion)审议”政府工作报告(deliberate government work report)履行职责、行使权力(fulfil duty and exercise power)人大会议是X届全国人大X次会议”(the Xth session of Xth NPC,比如:今年的人大会议是十三届全国人大二次会议,the second session of the 13th NPC)▌中国人民政治协商会议成员是委员”(CPPCC members)政协委员提提案”(proposal)讨论”政府工作报告(discuss government work report)政协委员参政议政(participate in the discussion and the handling of state affairs)政协会议是全国政协X届X次会议”(the Xth session of Xth CPPCC National Committee, 比如:今年的中国人民政治协商会议是全国政协十三届二次会议,the second session of the 13th CPPCC)❺今年两会热点议题正风反腐anti-corruption全面依法治国law-based governance of the country社会保障social security教育公平educational equality互联网+政务服务internet + government services收入分配distribution of income脱贫攻坚poverty alleviation环境保护environmental protection【看懂2019年全国两会必备的双语词汇查看网站:[db:时间]】


