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名画呐喊 中的人原来不是在呐喊!大英博物馆揭秘画家本意
也许你不认识画家蒙克,但你绝对不会不认识他的名画 呐喊 。
很多人都以为 呐喊 中捂着耳朵的人是在尖叫,但他们都会错了画家的本意。
Insider网站截图The figure in Edvard Munch's iconic artwork, "The Scream," is not actually screaming, as is widely assumed, the British Museum said on Wednesday.
Instead, it is reacting to a scream.
大英博物馆20日称,爱德华·蒙克的经典画作 呐喊 中的那个人其实不是像人们普遍以为的在呐喊或尖叫,而是在对尖叫作出反应。
Munch made clear what was going on in an inscription on a rarely-seen black-and-white version of the image, which Munch annotated with the words "I felt the great scream throughout nature.
"蒙克在一幅罕见的黑白版 呐喊 上题词道:我感觉到大自然中处处都能听到大声尖叫”。
Insider网站截图According to Giulia Bartrum, who is curating a Munch exhibition at the British Museum which features the black-and-white lithograph, this shows that the figure is hearing the scream rather than making it.
Munch, a Norwegian artist, finished the first painting in 1893, but made several more versions.
挪威艺术家蒙克于1893年完成了第一幅 呐喊 画作,但之后又创作了其他几个版本。
In the decades since, the image has morphed into a universal symbol for anxiety, and is clearly reference in the "person screaming" emoji.
According to the emojitracker website, it is the 53rd most frequently used emoji.
scream emoji from:redbubble.
comThe British Museum is displaying the lithograph as part of its exhibition "Edvard Munch: love and angst" from April 11 to July 21.
lithograph['lɪθəɡræf]: n.
平版印刷品angst[æŋst]: n.
焦虑;担心Bartrum told INSIDER: "This rare version of The Scream that we're displaying at the British Museum makes clear that Munch's most famous artwork depicts a person hearing a 'scream' and not, as many people continue to assume and debate, a person screaming.
"巴图鲁姆告诉内幕网说:我们将在大英博物馆展出的这个罕见的 呐喊 版本表明,蒙克最著名的这幅画作中描绘的是一个听到尖叫声的人,而不是像很多人假定和争论的那样是一个尖叫的人。
”"Munch very deliberately included the caption [.
] on this version to describe how his inspiration came from the anxiety he suddenly felt as he walked along a path in Oslo, a place you can still visit today," Bartrum continued.
”Munch said that the piece recreated the feeling of panic he felt when the sky turned blood red on his walk, according to Bartrum.
"I have no doubt that this iconic figure is reacting to nature's external forces on that hillside.
What can still be debated is whether, for Munch, those forces were real or psychological," the curator said.
”She added that Munch was known for creating images that symbolize strong emotions, like love or jealousy.
"The Scream" transmits the feeling of a panic-inducing scream with a simple design: Wavy bands in the sky give the sensation of a quivering tuning fork, as a figure covers its ears, Bartrum said.
呐喊 通过简单的构图传达出引发恐慌的尖叫感觉;在画中人捂住耳朵时,天空中的带状波浪宛如抖动的音叉,让人感受到声音的震撼。
"This stylized gesture will always be instantly recognizable to people as despair," she said.
”【名画呐喊 中的人原来不是在呐喊!大英博物馆揭秘画家本意查看网站:[db:时间]】
很多人都以为 呐喊 中捂着耳朵的人是在尖叫,但他们都会错了画家的本意。
Insider网站截图The figure in Edvard Munch's iconic artwork, "The Scream," is not actually screaming, as is widely assumed, the British Museum said on Wednesday.
Instead, it is reacting to a scream.
大英博物馆20日称,爱德华·蒙克的经典画作 呐喊 中的那个人其实不是像人们普遍以为的在呐喊或尖叫,而是在对尖叫作出反应。
Munch made clear what was going on in an inscription on a rarely-seen black-and-white version of the image, which Munch annotated with the words "I felt the great scream throughout nature.
"蒙克在一幅罕见的黑白版 呐喊 上题词道:我感觉到大自然中处处都能听到大声尖叫”。
Insider网站截图According to Giulia Bartrum, who is curating a Munch exhibition at the British Museum which features the black-and-white lithograph, this shows that the figure is hearing the scream rather than making it.
Munch, a Norwegian artist, finished the first painting in 1893, but made several more versions.
挪威艺术家蒙克于1893年完成了第一幅 呐喊 画作,但之后又创作了其他几个版本。
In the decades since, the image has morphed into a universal symbol for anxiety, and is clearly reference in the "person screaming" emoji.
According to the emojitracker website, it is the 53rd most frequently used emoji.
scream emoji from:redbubble.
comThe British Museum is displaying the lithograph as part of its exhibition "Edvard Munch: love and angst" from April 11 to July 21.
lithograph['lɪθəɡræf]: n.
平版印刷品angst[æŋst]: n.
焦虑;担心Bartrum told INSIDER: "This rare version of The Scream that we're displaying at the British Museum makes clear that Munch's most famous artwork depicts a person hearing a 'scream' and not, as many people continue to assume and debate, a person screaming.
"巴图鲁姆告诉内幕网说:我们将在大英博物馆展出的这个罕见的 呐喊 版本表明,蒙克最著名的这幅画作中描绘的是一个听到尖叫声的人,而不是像很多人假定和争论的那样是一个尖叫的人。
”"Munch very deliberately included the caption [.
] on this version to describe how his inspiration came from the anxiety he suddenly felt as he walked along a path in Oslo, a place you can still visit today," Bartrum continued.
”Munch said that the piece recreated the feeling of panic he felt when the sky turned blood red on his walk, according to Bartrum.
"I have no doubt that this iconic figure is reacting to nature's external forces on that hillside.
What can still be debated is whether, for Munch, those forces were real or psychological," the curator said.
”She added that Munch was known for creating images that symbolize strong emotions, like love or jealousy.
"The Scream" transmits the feeling of a panic-inducing scream with a simple design: Wavy bands in the sky give the sensation of a quivering tuning fork, as a figure covers its ears, Bartrum said.
呐喊 通过简单的构图传达出引发恐慌的尖叫感觉;在画中人捂住耳朵时,天空中的带状波浪宛如抖动的音叉,让人感受到声音的震撼。
"This stylized gesture will always be instantly recognizable to people as despair," she said.
”【名画呐喊 中的人原来不是在呐喊!大英博物馆揭秘画家本意查看网站:[db:时间]】
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