巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
南京大学 Nanjing University
上海复旦大学 Fudan University
印尼大学 universitas indonesia
越南某大学 Vietnam National University
菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
Chinese startup ofo has denied it is bankrupt, andclaimed all is well at the bike-sharing company in astatement released on Tuesday.
According to media reports, Beijing BaikeluokeTechnology Co, one of ofo's operators, was involvedin a bankruptcy case on March 25, listed on thenational bankruptcy disclosure platform.
Ofo, however, insists it is not bankrupt, saying that its debt-related litigation and negotiationsare still underway.
The company has been suffering financial problems for the past few months, with tens ofmillions of users waiting for refunds since the second half of last year.
To compound matters for the company, unpaid bills resulted in several lawsuits in the sameperiod.
CEO Dai Wei has been blacklisted by government for not fulfilling payment obligations andbarred from excessive spending.
In an internal letter in December Dai claimed that his company is under huge pressurestemming from cash flow issues, refunds, repaying suppliers, and maintenance costs.
Han Xiao, a lawyer with Beijing Kangda Law Firm, told International Financial News that if acreditor tries to pursue the bankruptcy of its debtor, they need to go through legalprocedures, including providing proof relating to the claim and insolvency of the company.
北京康达律师事务所的律师韩晓告诉 国际金融新闻 ,如果一个债权人试图申请债务人破产,他们需要走法律程序,包括提供有关公司债权和破产的证据。
On the other hand Han said, if ofo can show its ability to pay debts, it could withdraw thebankruptcy application.
Zhang Yi, chief analyst at consultancy firm iiMedia Research, told the paper he's optimistic forofo, saying continuing with warmer weather, the company should attract increasing numbers ofusers, compared with the cold winter months.
艾媒咨询公司的首席分析师张毅告诉 国际金融新闻 ,他看好OFO,随着天气不断回暖,相比冬天寒冷的那几个月,公司应该会吸引越来越多的用户。
International Financial News cited data showing the number of active users on Mobike and ofoexceeded 20 million in February.
国际金融新闻 引用的数据表示摩拜和OFO的活跃用户数在二月超过了2000万人。
Mobike announced Friday that it will raise its riding fees in Beijing, one yuan for 15 minutesand 0.
5 yuan for each additional 15 minutes, with the new fees coming into place nextMonday.
摩拜于周五宣布,将提高它在北京的骑行费用— 1元骑15分钟,每超过15分钟收取额外0.
The move comes after Bluegogo's fee increase in Beijing from March 21, where the companycut riding time for a one yuan from one hour to 15 minutes, with each additional 15 minutescosting 0.
5 yuan.
An industry commentator, told Changjiang Times that price raises will not bother users.
As aniche market, the industry still has room to adjust prices.
行业评论员告诉 长江时代 ,骑行价格的上涨不会影响用户。
According to media reports, Beijing BaikeluokeTechnology Co, one of ofo's operators, was involvedin a bankruptcy case on March 25, listed on thenational bankruptcy disclosure platform.
Ofo, however, insists it is not bankrupt, saying that its debt-related litigation and negotiationsare still underway.
The company has been suffering financial problems for the past few months, with tens ofmillions of users waiting for refunds since the second half of last year.
To compound matters for the company, unpaid bills resulted in several lawsuits in the sameperiod.
CEO Dai Wei has been blacklisted by government for not fulfilling payment obligations andbarred from excessive spending.
In an internal letter in December Dai claimed that his company is under huge pressurestemming from cash flow issues, refunds, repaying suppliers, and maintenance costs.
Han Xiao, a lawyer with Beijing Kangda Law Firm, told International Financial News that if acreditor tries to pursue the bankruptcy of its debtor, they need to go through legalprocedures, including providing proof relating to the claim and insolvency of the company.
北京康达律师事务所的律师韩晓告诉 国际金融新闻 ,如果一个债权人试图申请债务人破产,他们需要走法律程序,包括提供有关公司债权和破产的证据。
On the other hand Han said, if ofo can show its ability to pay debts, it could withdraw thebankruptcy application.
Zhang Yi, chief analyst at consultancy firm iiMedia Research, told the paper he's optimistic forofo, saying continuing with warmer weather, the company should attract increasing numbers ofusers, compared with the cold winter months.
艾媒咨询公司的首席分析师张毅告诉 国际金融新闻 ,他看好OFO,随着天气不断回暖,相比冬天寒冷的那几个月,公司应该会吸引越来越多的用户。
International Financial News cited data showing the number of active users on Mobike and ofoexceeded 20 million in February.
国际金融新闻 引用的数据表示摩拜和OFO的活跃用户数在二月超过了2000万人。
Mobike announced Friday that it will raise its riding fees in Beijing, one yuan for 15 minutesand 0.
5 yuan for each additional 15 minutes, with the new fees coming into place nextMonday.
摩拜于周五宣布,将提高它在北京的骑行费用— 1元骑15分钟,每超过15分钟收取额外0.
The move comes after Bluegogo's fee increase in Beijing from March 21, where the companycut riding time for a one yuan from one hour to 15 minutes, with each additional 15 minutescosting 0.
5 yuan.
An industry commentator, told Changjiang Times that price raises will not bother users.
As aniche market, the industry still has room to adjust prices.
行业评论员告诉 长江时代 ,骑行价格的上涨不会影响用户。
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