巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
南京大学 Nanjing University
上海复旦大学 Fudan University
印尼大学 universitas indonesia
越南某大学 Vietnam National University
菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
A C919 airplane takes off from the Shanghai Pudong International Airport for a test flight to Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Nov 10, 2017.
[Photo by Chen Zikuan/For China Daily]To provide a better travel experience for passengers during the wet season - including a better on-time rate - the administration laid down requirements for airports, air traffic control facilities and airlines to increase cooperation to ensure safe and smooth operations in extreme weather.
具体举措包括:机场方面,将充分发挥运管委联席会商机制作用,确保各单位有效联动和密切配合;Airports, especially those with an annual capacity of more than 10 million passengers, are required to set up joint management operations with air traffic controllers, airlines and other service providers to respond to major delays and emergencies.
同时,各机场将加快组织修订或制定本机场航班计划动态调整方案(draft or amend a plan to adjust flight schedules based on real-time scenario),确保航班保障需求与空管、机场综合保障能力达到最优匹配。
航空公司方面,雷雨保障期间将注重源头管理,民航局要求在安排航班计划和时刻时,要为运行安全和航班正常留出充足的裕度,认真执行航段时间和过站时间等运行标准,科学合理编排航班(have reasonable flight schedules),留有充足备份运力(sufficient reserve aircraft capacity),进一步提高大面积航班延误的应对和恢复能力(improve the ability to respond to delays)。
空管单位方面,将针对雷雨保障建立大面积航班延误时的空域释放协调机制,促进区域内航班改航、绕飞方案的制定和实施,缓解大面积航班延误时的放行压力(plan detours in the air when extreme weather occurs to lessen pressure on the ground)。
Civil air traffic control departments will coordinate with military air traffic controllers and ask for more airspace for commercial flights in extreme weather.
【相关词汇】空域拥堵 air traffic congestion航班延误 flight delay优化航路航线 optimize flight routes晴空颠簸 clear air turbulence准点率 on-time performance紧急迫降 emergency landing【民航局提出雷雨季航班运行保障措施查看网站:[db:时间]】
A C919 airplane takes off from the Shanghai Pudong International Airport for a test flight to Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Nov 10, 2017.
[Photo by Chen Zikuan/For China Daily]To provide a better travel experience for passengers during the wet season - including a better on-time rate - the administration laid down requirements for airports, air traffic control facilities and airlines to increase cooperation to ensure safe and smooth operations in extreme weather.
具体举措包括:机场方面,将充分发挥运管委联席会商机制作用,确保各单位有效联动和密切配合;Airports, especially those with an annual capacity of more than 10 million passengers, are required to set up joint management operations with air traffic controllers, airlines and other service providers to respond to major delays and emergencies.
同时,各机场将加快组织修订或制定本机场航班计划动态调整方案(draft or amend a plan to adjust flight schedules based on real-time scenario),确保航班保障需求与空管、机场综合保障能力达到最优匹配。
航空公司方面,雷雨保障期间将注重源头管理,民航局要求在安排航班计划和时刻时,要为运行安全和航班正常留出充足的裕度,认真执行航段时间和过站时间等运行标准,科学合理编排航班(have reasonable flight schedules),留有充足备份运力(sufficient reserve aircraft capacity),进一步提高大面积航班延误的应对和恢复能力(improve the ability to respond to delays)。
空管单位方面,将针对雷雨保障建立大面积航班延误时的空域释放协调机制,促进区域内航班改航、绕飞方案的制定和实施,缓解大面积航班延误时的放行压力(plan detours in the air when extreme weather occurs to lessen pressure on the ground)。
Civil air traffic control departments will coordinate with military air traffic controllers and ask for more airspace for commercial flights in extreme weather.
【相关词汇】空域拥堵 air traffic congestion航班延误 flight delay优化航路航线 optimize flight routes晴空颠簸 clear air turbulence准点率 on-time performance紧急迫降 emergency landing【民航局提出雷雨季航班运行保障措施查看网站:[db:时间]】
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