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下面是小编整理的关于双语诗歌翻译:席慕蓉 秋来之后  的资料,希望你会喜欢!

秋来之后 ——历史只是一次又一次意外的记载,诗,是为此而补赎的爱。

席慕容当月光再次铺满你来时的山径希望你能够相信我已痊愈  自逃亡的意念自改装易容隐姓埋名以及种种渴望的边缘自慌乱的心  自乞怜的命运自百般更动也难以为继的剧情自这世间绝对温柔也绝对锋利的伤害若说秋来  没有人能比我更加明白总有些疏林会将叶落尽总有些梦想要从此埋没  总有些生命坚持要独自在暗影里变化着色彩与肌理我会记得你的警告从此严守那观望与想象的距离永不再进入  事件的深处不沾忧愁的河水  不摘悔恨的果实当月光再次铺满你离去时的山径不知道你愿不愿意相信但是我确实已经痊愈  已经学会不再替真相辩解任由它湮灭一如落叶并且不断删节  那些多余的心事(多余的徒然在前路上刺人肌肤的枯枝)在秋来之后的岁月里  我几乎可以  被错认是一个无可救药的乐观女子1987年11月8日 In the Wake of Autumn – History is but the record of one accident after another; poetry is an act of love to compensate for this lack.

Hsi MurenWhen moonlight once again paves the mountain trail from where you comeI hope you can believe thatI have already recovered  from the will to escapeFrom the edge of hiding myself under a pseudonym and other similar desiresFrom a heart of panic  from a fate of beggingFrom a plot that remains incoherent after a hundred alterations.

From a hurt that is both absolutely tender and absolutely sharpWhen speaking of the wake of autumnno one can know better than I.

There are always a few spare woods to shed their leaves.

Always some dreams to be buried  always some individualsInsisting on varying the colors and textures under the shadow of darkness.

I remember your warningsAnd now observe strictly the distance between hoping and imaging.

Never again will I involve  the depth of eventsNot to drench in the river of sorrowsnor to pick fruits of regretsWhen moonlight once again paves the mountain trail from where you depart.

I don’t know if you are willing to believeYet I have truly recovered  having learnedNot to argue for Truth, just letting it fade away like the falling of leavesAnd endlessly edit out  those excess worries(Those excesses are but the withered twigs serving only to prick one’s skins).

On the days in the wake of autumn  ICan almost  be mistaken forA hopelessly optimistic woman.

(Chang Shu-Li 译)【双语诗歌翻译:席慕蓉·秋来之后  查看网站:[db:时间]】


