- 荷兰莱顿大学
- 西班牙巴塞罗那大学
- 巴西圣保罗大学 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 台湾南华大学 University of South China in Taiwan
- 科技大学 National University of Defense Technology
- 南京大学 Nanjing University
- 上海复旦大学 Fudan University
- 泗水大学(Ubaya)
- 印尼大学 universitas indonesia
- 越南某大学 Vietnam National University
- 菲律宾大学 University Of The Philippines
登上天堂的女郎The Blessed Damozel但丁罗塞蒂Dante Gabriel Rossetti但丁罗塞蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti,1828-1882),英国十九世纪的画家兼诗人。
登上天堂的女郎 是他最著名的诗作之一。
上了天堂的女郎倚着The blessed damozel leaned out黄金的栏杆探身;From the gold bar of heaven;她两只眼睛比黄昏的时候Her eyes were deeper than the depth宁静的溪水更深沉;Of waters stilled at even;她手里拈着三枝百合花,She had three lilies in her hand,柔发里有七颗星辰。
And the stars in her hair were seven.
她的晨衣上下松了扣,Her robe, ungirt from clasp to hem,没有精致的花饰,No wrought flowers did adorn,却戴着圣母送的白玫瑰,But a white rose of Mary's gift,好用来待奉上帝;For service meetly worn;她的头发在背后垂下,Her hair that lay along her back金黄如成熟的谷粒。
Was yellow like ripe corn.
她觉得她参加上帝的唱诗班Herseemed she scarce had been a day还不到一天时间;One of God's choristers ;惊异的情绪还没有完全The wonder was not yet quite gone离开她沉静的容颜;From that still look of hers;尽管对留在人世的人们Albeit, to them she left, her day这一天等于十年。
Had counted as ten years.
……(To one it is ten years of years.
Yet now, and in this place,她确曾俯身向我——柔发Surely she leaned o'er me—her hair在我的脸上垂落……Fell all about my face.
Nothing: the autumn-fall of leaves.
)The whole year sets apace.
)那是上帝居处的宫阙,It was the rampart of God's house她就站立在宫墙上;That she was standing on;上帝把墙垣建在无穷By God built over the sheer depth深邃的空间上方;The which is Space begun;高到极处,从那里向下看,So high, that looking downward thence她难以见到太阳。
She scarce could see the sun.
墙垣横卧在天国如桥梁,It lies in heaven, across the flood跨过浩瀚的太空。
Of ether, as a bridge.
下面,日潮与夜汐以火焰Beneath the tides of day and night和黑暗给太虚筑垄,With flame and darkness ridge茫茫低处,地球在旋转,The void, as low as where this earth像只烦躁的蠓虫。
Spins like a fretful midge .
她几乎没听见,新交的友伴中,Around her, lovers, newly met有几个沉迷于游戏,Mid deathless love's acclaims,同时不断地互相呼叫着Spoke evermore among themselves她们贞洁的名字;Their heart-remembered names;那些升向上帝的魂灵And the souls mounting up to God像薄焰飘过她身体。
Went by her like thin flames.
从那令人迷醉的环境中,And still she bowed herself and stooped她依然探身向下看;Out of the circling charm;她胸脯必定已经把她所Until her bosom must have made凭倚的栏杆焐暖,The bar she leaned on warm,那几枝百合花仿佛入睡了,And the lilies lay as if asleep紧挨着她的臂弯。
Along her bended arm.
从天堂固定的一地她看见From the fixed place of heaven she saw时间如脉搏强烈,Time like a pulse shake fierce震撼着所有的天体。
她力图Through all the worlds.
Her gaze still strove把目光向深渊穿越;Within the gulf to pierce她此刻正在说话,如群星Its path; and now she spoke as when歌唱在各自的天界。
The stars sang in their spheres.
太阳不见了;半轮弯月The sun was gone now; the curled moon像一片小小的羽翮Was like a little feather远远地落入深渊,她说话,Fluttering far down the gulf; and now声音从晴空透过,She spoke through the still weather.
她的嗓音像星星的歌声,Her voice was like the voice the stars当他们在一起唱歌。
Had when they sang together.
即便在鸟鸣声里(Ah, sweet!
Even now, in that bird's song,她岂不努力把口开,Strove not her accents there,要让我听见她说话?
当钟声Fain to be harkened?
When those bells在午间把天空充塞,Possessed the midday air,她岂不努力走近我身旁——Strove not her steps to reach my side从回声的天梯下来?
)Down all the echoing stair?
)“我希望他已经到我身边,I wish that he were come to me,他一定会来的,”她说。
For he will come, she said.
——Have I not prayed in heaven?
—on earth,他没在地上祈祷么?
Lord, Lord, has he not prayed?
Are not two prayers a perfect strength?
And shall I feel afraid?
“当他的头上绕一圈光环,When round his head the aureole clings,他身上穿着白衣,And he is clothed in white,我就和他手搀手一同I'll take his hand and go with him走进无底的光源里;To the deep wells of light;我们俩走下去像到溪水中As unto a stream we will step down,在上帝眼前沐浴。
And bathe there in God's sight.
“我们俩会站在那隐蔽难觅、We two will stand beside that shrine,渺无人迹的神龛旁,Occult , withheld, untrod,对上帝的祷告使得神龛前Whose lamps are stirred continually灯光不断地动荡;With prayer sent up to God;我们俩旧日的祈求被允准了,And see our old prayers, granted, melt化为小朵云而消亡。
Each like a little cloud.
“我们俩会双双在那神秘的We two will lie i'the shadow of生命树绿荫里躺下来, That living mystic tree有时在生命树生长的幽秘处Within whose secret growth the Dove可感到圣灵的存在,Is sometimes felt to be,圣羽触及的每片树叶都While every leaf that His plumes touch把上帝的名字念出来。
Saith His Name audibly.
“就这样躺着,我将教给他And I myself will teach to him,我这里唱的歌曲;I myself, lying so,唱着这些歌,他的嗓音The songs I sing here; which his voice缓慢,喑哑,犹豫,Shall pause in, hushed and slow,每次犹豫后都发现新理解,And find some knowledge at each pause,或者得到新事物。
”Or some new thing to know.
We two, we two, thou say'st!
就是你,是啊,往昔Yea, one wast thou with me你跟我在一起。
我灵魂跟你的That once of old.
But shall God lift一样,因为它爱你!
To endless unity上帝会不会把咱俩的灵魂The soul whose likeness with thy soul升华为永恒的统一体?
)Was but its love for thee?
)她说,“让咱俩去寻找圣母We two, she said, "will seek the groves马利亚栖身的林地,Where the lady Mary is,她带着五名侍女,其名字With her five handmaidens, whose names是五首美妙的交响曲:Are five sweet symphonies,塞西莉,葛楚德,玛格德琳,Cecily, Gertrude, Magdalen,玛格丽特,罗萨丽。
Margaret, and Rosalys.
“她们围坐着,扎起头发,Circlewise sit they, with bound locks额前都戴着花冠;And foreheads garlanded ;她们在白焰般素净的细布上Into the fine cloth white like flame织入一根根金线,Weaving the golden thread,为刚刚复活的死者缝制To fashion the birth-robes for them新生时穿的衣衫。
Who are just born, being dead.
“他或许会害怕,沉默不语;He shall fear, haply , and be dumb;我于是把面颊紧贴Then will I lay my cheek他的脸,诉说我们的爱情,To his, and tell about our love,丝毫不害羞,胆怯;Not once abashed or weak;亲爱的圣母称赞我勇敢,And the dear Mother will approve直让我诉说不歇。
My pride, and let me speak.
“圣母会手搀手领我们去见Herself shall bring us, hand in hand,基督;魂灵无数个To Him round whom all souls头戴光环,清晰地排成圈,Kneel, the clear-ranged unnumbered heads在基督的周围跪着,Bowed with their aureoles;天使们会迎接我们,用古琴And angels meeting us shall sing伴奏,为我们唱歌。
To their citherns and citoles.
“我会向我主基督提要求,There will I ask of Christ the Lord为他也为我自己:——Thus much for him and me—但愿像曾经在下界那样Only to live as once on earth彼此相爱不分离,With Love—only to be,我和他,那时只有片刻长,As then awhile, forever now,今后永远在一起。
”Together, I and he.
"她凝视,倾听,有点儿哀伤,She gazed and listened and then said,却更加温柔地开言,——Less sad of speech than mild—“这些事要等他来以后。
All this is when he comes.
She ceased.
一道光划过她眼前,The light thrilled toward her, filled众天使强劲地横飞而去,With angels in strong, level flight.
Her eyes prayed, and she smiled.
)天使们转瞬间(I saw her smile.
) But soon their path隐入遥远的星际:Was vague in distant spheres;此时她凭着黄金栏杆And then she cast her arms along猛然伸出了双臂,The golden barriers,她把脸掩在两手中,哭了。
And laid her face between her hands,(我听见她在哭泣。
)And wept.
(I heard her tears.
登上天堂的女郎 是他最著名的诗作之一。
上了天堂的女郎倚着The blessed damozel leaned out黄金的栏杆探身;From the gold bar of heaven;她两只眼睛比黄昏的时候Her eyes were deeper than the depth宁静的溪水更深沉;Of waters stilled at even;她手里拈着三枝百合花,She had three lilies in her hand,柔发里有七颗星辰。
And the stars in her hair were seven.
她的晨衣上下松了扣,Her robe, ungirt from clasp to hem,没有精致的花饰,No wrought flowers did adorn,却戴着圣母送的白玫瑰,But a white rose of Mary's gift,好用来待奉上帝;For service meetly worn;她的头发在背后垂下,Her hair that lay along her back金黄如成熟的谷粒。
Was yellow like ripe corn.
她觉得她参加上帝的唱诗班Herseemed she scarce had been a day还不到一天时间;One of God's choristers ;惊异的情绪还没有完全The wonder was not yet quite gone离开她沉静的容颜;From that still look of hers;尽管对留在人世的人们Albeit, to them she left, her day这一天等于十年。
Had counted as ten years.
……(To one it is ten years of years.
Yet now, and in this place,她确曾俯身向我——柔发Surely she leaned o'er me—her hair在我的脸上垂落……Fell all about my face.
Nothing: the autumn-fall of leaves.
)The whole year sets apace.
)那是上帝居处的宫阙,It was the rampart of God's house她就站立在宫墙上;That she was standing on;上帝把墙垣建在无穷By God built over the sheer depth深邃的空间上方;The which is Space begun;高到极处,从那里向下看,So high, that looking downward thence她难以见到太阳。
She scarce could see the sun.
墙垣横卧在天国如桥梁,It lies in heaven, across the flood跨过浩瀚的太空。
Of ether, as a bridge.
下面,日潮与夜汐以火焰Beneath the tides of day and night和黑暗给太虚筑垄,With flame and darkness ridge茫茫低处,地球在旋转,The void, as low as where this earth像只烦躁的蠓虫。
Spins like a fretful midge .
她几乎没听见,新交的友伴中,Around her, lovers, newly met有几个沉迷于游戏,Mid deathless love's acclaims,同时不断地互相呼叫着Spoke evermore among themselves她们贞洁的名字;Their heart-remembered names;那些升向上帝的魂灵And the souls mounting up to God像薄焰飘过她身体。
Went by her like thin flames.
从那令人迷醉的环境中,And still she bowed herself and stooped她依然探身向下看;Out of the circling charm;她胸脯必定已经把她所Until her bosom must have made凭倚的栏杆焐暖,The bar she leaned on warm,那几枝百合花仿佛入睡了,And the lilies lay as if asleep紧挨着她的臂弯。
Along her bended arm.
从天堂固定的一地她看见From the fixed place of heaven she saw时间如脉搏强烈,Time like a pulse shake fierce震撼着所有的天体。
她力图Through all the worlds.
Her gaze still strove把目光向深渊穿越;Within the gulf to pierce她此刻正在说话,如群星Its path; and now she spoke as when歌唱在各自的天界。
The stars sang in their spheres.
太阳不见了;半轮弯月The sun was gone now; the curled moon像一片小小的羽翮Was like a little feather远远地落入深渊,她说话,Fluttering far down the gulf; and now声音从晴空透过,She spoke through the still weather.
她的嗓音像星星的歌声,Her voice was like the voice the stars当他们在一起唱歌。
Had when they sang together.
即便在鸟鸣声里(Ah, sweet!
Even now, in that bird's song,她岂不努力把口开,Strove not her accents there,要让我听见她说话?
当钟声Fain to be harkened?
When those bells在午间把天空充塞,Possessed the midday air,她岂不努力走近我身旁——Strove not her steps to reach my side从回声的天梯下来?
)Down all the echoing stair?
)“我希望他已经到我身边,I wish that he were come to me,他一定会来的,”她说。
For he will come, she said.
——Have I not prayed in heaven?
—on earth,他没在地上祈祷么?
Lord, Lord, has he not prayed?
Are not two prayers a perfect strength?
And shall I feel afraid?
“当他的头上绕一圈光环,When round his head the aureole clings,他身上穿着白衣,And he is clothed in white,我就和他手搀手一同I'll take his hand and go with him走进无底的光源里;To the deep wells of light;我们俩走下去像到溪水中As unto a stream we will step down,在上帝眼前沐浴。
And bathe there in God's sight.
“我们俩会站在那隐蔽难觅、We two will stand beside that shrine,渺无人迹的神龛旁,Occult , withheld, untrod,对上帝的祷告使得神龛前Whose lamps are stirred continually灯光不断地动荡;With prayer sent up to God;我们俩旧日的祈求被允准了,And see our old prayers, granted, melt化为小朵云而消亡。
Each like a little cloud.
“我们俩会双双在那神秘的We two will lie i'the shadow of生命树绿荫里躺下来, That living mystic tree有时在生命树生长的幽秘处Within whose secret growth the Dove可感到圣灵的存在,Is sometimes felt to be,圣羽触及的每片树叶都While every leaf that His plumes touch把上帝的名字念出来。
Saith His Name audibly.
“就这样躺着,我将教给他And I myself will teach to him,我这里唱的歌曲;I myself, lying so,唱着这些歌,他的嗓音The songs I sing here; which his voice缓慢,喑哑,犹豫,Shall pause in, hushed and slow,每次犹豫后都发现新理解,And find some knowledge at each pause,或者得到新事物。
”Or some new thing to know.
We two, we two, thou say'st!
就是你,是啊,往昔Yea, one wast thou with me你跟我在一起。
我灵魂跟你的That once of old.
But shall God lift一样,因为它爱你!
To endless unity上帝会不会把咱俩的灵魂The soul whose likeness with thy soul升华为永恒的统一体?
)Was but its love for thee?
)她说,“让咱俩去寻找圣母We two, she said, "will seek the groves马利亚栖身的林地,Where the lady Mary is,她带着五名侍女,其名字With her five handmaidens, whose names是五首美妙的交响曲:Are five sweet symphonies,塞西莉,葛楚德,玛格德琳,Cecily, Gertrude, Magdalen,玛格丽特,罗萨丽。
Margaret, and Rosalys.
“她们围坐着,扎起头发,Circlewise sit they, with bound locks额前都戴着花冠;And foreheads garlanded ;她们在白焰般素净的细布上Into the fine cloth white like flame织入一根根金线,Weaving the golden thread,为刚刚复活的死者缝制To fashion the birth-robes for them新生时穿的衣衫。
Who are just born, being dead.
“他或许会害怕,沉默不语;He shall fear, haply , and be dumb;我于是把面颊紧贴Then will I lay my cheek他的脸,诉说我们的爱情,To his, and tell about our love,丝毫不害羞,胆怯;Not once abashed or weak;亲爱的圣母称赞我勇敢,And the dear Mother will approve直让我诉说不歇。
My pride, and let me speak.
“圣母会手搀手领我们去见Herself shall bring us, hand in hand,基督;魂灵无数个To Him round whom all souls头戴光环,清晰地排成圈,Kneel, the clear-ranged unnumbered heads在基督的周围跪着,Bowed with their aureoles;天使们会迎接我们,用古琴And angels meeting us shall sing伴奏,为我们唱歌。
To their citherns and citoles.
“我会向我主基督提要求,There will I ask of Christ the Lord为他也为我自己:——Thus much for him and me—但愿像曾经在下界那样Only to live as once on earth彼此相爱不分离,With Love—only to be,我和他,那时只有片刻长,As then awhile, forever now,今后永远在一起。
”Together, I and he.
"她凝视,倾听,有点儿哀伤,She gazed and listened and then said,却更加温柔地开言,——Less sad of speech than mild—“这些事要等他来以后。
All this is when he comes.
She ceased.
一道光划过她眼前,The light thrilled toward her, filled众天使强劲地横飞而去,With angels in strong, level flight.
Her eyes prayed, and she smiled.
)天使们转瞬间(I saw her smile.
) But soon their path隐入遥远的星际:Was vague in distant spheres;此时她凭着黄金栏杆And then she cast her arms along猛然伸出了双臂,The golden barriers,她把脸掩在两手中,哭了。
And laid her face between her hands,(我听见她在哭泣。
)And wept.
(I heard her tears.