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英媒批小七咬奶嘴 引贝克汉姆愤怒网络发文回击



David Beckham has told The Daily Mail it has no right" to criticise his parenting skills after it published a piece questioning his controversial” decision to allow his four year old daughter to use a dummy.

   每日邮报 近日发表了一篇文章质疑大卫•贝克汉姆让四岁的女儿小七咬奶嘴这一有争议的做法,小贝称 每日邮报 没有权利”批评他的育儿方法。

  An article published on Monday claimed Harper is well beyond the age” that health experts would recommend the use of a pacifier and warned the Beckhams could be putting their child at risk of developing problems with her teeth and even slurred speech.

   每日邮报 10日刊发的一篇文章称哈珀已经远远超过了健康专家所建议的吸奶嘴的年纪,并提醒贝克汉姆这样做孩子可能会患上牙齿疾病甚至会口齿不清。

  Dummies are usually used to soothe and settle restless children and are only recommended for small babies,” it continued.


”  Some parents use them to stop a child from crying or simply because the habit has become too hard to break.

"  一些父母用奶嘴来让孩子停止哭泣或者仅仅是因为这个习惯太难改掉了。

”  The piece even included a comment from a parenting expert” and a former midwife, who expressed her disapproval at Harper’s continued use of a dummy, suggesting it could be down to last child syndrome”.


  Beckham issued a rare response to the article on Monday evening with an Instagram screen shot accompanied by the caption: Why do people feel they have the right to criticise a parent about their own children without having any facts?

"  10日晚,贝克汉姆罕见地回应了这篇文章,他发布了一张Instagram 截屏并配文称:为什么有些人觉得自己有权在不了解事实的情况下质疑孩子的父母呢?

”  Everybody who has children knows that when they aren't feeling well or have a fever you do what comforts them best and most of the time it's a pacifier,” he wrote.

So those who criticise think twice about what you say about other people's children because actually you have no right to criticise me as a parent.



”  His reply was met with a sea of comments praising him as a brilliant father and for taking a stand, with one user writing: Amen.

Having a father invested in his daughter is more important than anything.


”  Another user was more direct, advising Beckham to "tell them all to get stuffed".


扩展阅读:周末票房 "Straight Outta Compton"Hi!


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