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行尸走肉 的粉丝计算出了地球上所有幸存者的总数



由于故事是发生在丧尸横行的末日,所以理所当然地, 行尸走肉 中大部分时间都是非常黑暗压抑的,Rick和他那群狼狈的幸存者们几乎没有时刻是心存希望的。

但是 行尸走肉 的世界里有多糟呢?

在将近6季的奔波中,这部剧已经跨越了许多地区(包括在 行尸之惧 中灾难爆发开始时的洛杉矶),然而关于世界上幸存者的数量的信息还没有准确地出现过。



  事实上,当涉及到后末日的人口问题时,YouTube上SourceFedNERD频道的人们会主动给 行尸走肉 的粉丝们讲解。

粉丝Matt Lieberman利用 行尸走肉 的漫画、电视剧和衍生剧里的信息计算了Robert Kirkman的小说世界里活着的总人数,并不是很多。


有一件事可能一些粉丝会质疑, 行尸走肉 里的僵尸爆发开始于2012年1月,而Rick从医院醒过来是五月底。

但奇怪的是 行尸走肉 的开播时间却是2010年,而此剧也一直暗示着剧中的时间是和现实中的时间相符的。

  然而,Lieberman引用了一些 行尸之惧 的试播季中让人信服的证据来建立时间线,包括人们看上去用的是2011年末发行的苹果产品,角色们穿的是冬季大衣,并且在可以看见的日历上并没有标注假期。

明确地说,基于 行尸走肉 的Wikia的估计,这部剧已经度过了614天,第六季的时间应该是2013年十二月。

  简单地说, 行尸走肉 的世界里活着的大概人数仅仅只有382885。










  Matt Lieberman的 行尸走肉 中382885个活人的数字是否可以作为一个标准?




   行尸走肉 星期天晚上9点在AMC电视台播出。

行尸之惧 将在2016年4月10号播出。

  The Walking Dead Fan Calculates Total Number of People Left Alive On Earth  Taking place during the zombie apocalypse, it makes perfect sense that The Walking Dead spends most of its time being dark and depressing, with very few moments of genuine hope experienced by Rick Grimes and his ragtag group of survivors.

But just how bad are things in The Walking Dead universe?

While the show has covered a handful of locations in its nearly six-season run (including Los Angeles at the start of the outbreak in Fear the Walking Dead), information regarding the number of survivors worldwide has not been exactly forthcoming.

  That information is a lot like the cause of the outbreak itself, in that it seems highly unlikely such details will be uncovered anytime soon.

But just because the source material doesn’t offer an exact explanation or a precise number with regard to the questions at hand that doesn’t mean there aren’t those unaffiliated with the show who are willing to put the time and effort into creating elaborate fan theories that claim to have the answer.

  In fact, the folks at YouTube channel SourceFedNERD have taken it upon themselves to enlighten fans of The Walking Dead when it comes to the Earth’s post-apocalyptic population.

Fan Matt Lieberman has calculated — using information available from The Walking Dead comic, the TV series, and its spin-off — the total number of people left alive on Robert Kirkman’s fictional Earth — and it is not a high number.

  The complete calculation Lieberman uses is rather complex.

One thing some fans are likely to dispute is the assertion that The Walking Dead’s zombie outbreak began in January 2012, and that Rick woke up in the hospital in late May.

This seems odd since The Walking Dead TV series began airing in 2010, in what one would assume was present day.

  However, Lieberman cites some compelling evidence in the pilot of Fear the Walking Dead to establish the timeline, including the fact that people are seen using Apple products released in late 2011, characters are seen wearing winter coats, and no holidays are seen marked on visible calendars.

For the record, this places season 6 in December 2013, based on The Walking Dead Wikia’s estimate that 614 days have passed on the series.

  To make a complex formula short, the estimated total left alive in The Walking Dead’s universe is a mere 382,885.

For perspective, that’s not in one country, that’s in the entire world.

Of course, there are a few factors to consider when weighing Lieberman’s number.

For one, he doesn’t take into account any babies born during the apocalypse.

It’s almost assuredly a low number, but we know for a fact that at least one baby was born during the series, and that Maggie is currently pregnant with another.

  Also, variables for different countries weren’t taken into account.

Arguably, one of the reasons Rick and company have been able to survive so long is the amount of accessible firearms and ammunition to be found within the USA.

Melee weapons have also proven more than effective in capable hands, but in many instances only a gun was able to prevent a character’s death and/or ensuing zombification.

In nations where guns are harder to come by, this could have led to further loss of life.

Furthermore, one would assume that island nations would have taken longer to be overrun by walkers, potentially altering the total of current survivors further.

  Should Matt Lieberman’s number of 382,885 living humans on Walking Dead’s Earth be taken as canon?

No, probably not.

Too many extrapolations and assumptions have to be made to get there, although the basic ideas are sound.

Still, it’s an interesting mental exercise, and worth considering the implications of.

  The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm on AMC.

Fear the Walking Dead returns April 10, 2016.

【行尸走肉 的粉丝计算出了地球上所有幸存者的总数查看网站:[db:时间]】


