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神奇女侠 女性专场放映会引男性不满



如果你看过 蝙蝠侠大战超人 ,你一定会对神奇女侠的美女救英雄”桥段印象深刻。

再过几天,这位超级女英雄的专属电影 神奇女侠 就要全面上映啦。

日前美国一家电影院打算举行一场只限女性参加的 神奇女侠 放映会,让看不到电影的男粉丝怨声载道。


With Wonder Woman fast approaching cinemas — and with good first reactions to boot — many fans are growing increasingly excited for the DC film.

神奇女侠 很快将在各影院上线,再加上首波放映反响不俗,许多粉丝对DC漫画公司的这部电影越来越期待。

The Alamo Drafthouse Austin has decided to host a women-only screening of the superhero adventure, writing on their website: The most iconic superheroine in comic book history finally has her own movie, and what better way to celebrate than with an all-female screening?

”美国得州奥斯汀城的阿拉莫•德拉夫特豪斯电影院已经决定举行一场只限女性参加的 神奇女侠 放映会。


”Everyone working at the screening — venue staff, projectionist, culinary team — will also be female, the cinema urging women to lasso your geeky girlfriends together and grab your tickets to this celebration of one of the most enduring and inspiring characters ever created.



”Of course, men have begun complaining about the event, labelling the celebratory event ‘tacky’, ‘against equality’, and questioning whether ‘men’s only screenings’ will become regular.


Very tacky Alamo,” wrote Allan Dale.

I'm all for equality and having a screening specifically stating it is not inclusive to everyone, is against equality.

I'm not saying Alamo did this intentionally, but it is still just wrong.



”Great, let us know when you have guys-only screenings of Thor, Spider-Man, Star Wars, etc,” commented Mike Canales.

Let's see you walk the walk now that you set this precedence.

”太好了,下次你们有 雷神 、 蜘蛛侠 、 星球大战 这种电影的男性专场放映会时,记得告诉我们,”迈克•卡纳莱斯评论道,既然你开了这个先例,让我们看看你们以后如何保持一致。

”Bradley Lucio noted: Could you imagine the anger and outrage from the liberal staff of Alamo if Trump held an all male screening at the white house or even if another theatre did an all male screening?


”Thankfully, the Alamo Drafthouse stuck by their screening, writing widely sarcastic replies to each comment, one of the best being: We've never done showings where you had to be a man to get in, but we *did* show the Entourage movie a few years ago.

”谢天谢地,阿拉莫•德拉夫特豪斯影院坚持要办这个放映会,而且对每条评论都写了辛辣的回复,其中一条最出彩的回复是:我们从来没有放映过只限于男性观看的电影,但是我们几年前*确实*放映过 明星伙伴 (被称为男版 欲望都市 )。

”Soon enough, the screening sold out, the cinema announcing that a second woman-only Wonder Woman screening will happen.

放映会的票一眨眼就卖光了,影院宣布还会有第二场 神奇女侠 女性专场放映会。

来看看神奇女侠在 蝙蝠侠大战超人 中的精彩亮相:【神奇女侠 女性专场放映会引男性不满查看网站:[db:时间]】


