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Lady Gaga登V杂志封面 "三头"造型惊悚美艳
学生投稿 2025-01-06
导读: Lady Gaga最近以三头造型登上杂志封面。对于Gaga,人们永远都在期待她的下一个造型。这次的造型,gaga也演绎了不同的造型,可谓惊艳。这个形象是由时尚摄影师组合伊内兹与维努德亲自操刀为其设计,很有日本艺妓的味道,其中杂志扉页里还有gaga手持祝福日本灾区的纸条。而杂志收益的百分之十也将捐献给日本大地震灾区。 A three-headed Lady Gaga graces the c查看详情
学生投稿 2025-01-06
Prince William and Kate will be among the first guests to meet the Beckhams new baby daughter. 谁将第一个见到小贝的女儿?威廉王子和凯特就在被邀请的客人之查看详情
学生投稿 2025-01-06
The 68-year-old Liverpool musician is due to wed New York socialite Nancy Shevell. Amid recent media speculation, his publicist Stuart Bell, revealed that the pair are engaged.He declined to give any查看详情
麦当娜与小男友分手 小正太称很开心
学生投稿 2025-01-06
He's 24, but she is older than his mother. Hes a strict Muslim, she has fervent Kabbalah beliefs. So it was hardly likely to last. Madonna, 52, has split from her lover Brahim Zaibat, a hip-hop dancer查看详情
学生投稿 2025-01-06
导读: 三年前身陷艳照门(erotic picture scandal)的陈冠希宣布永久退出香港娱乐圈。近日他又带着最新专辑强势回归。这三年里,他都去了哪些地方,经历了什么,又有怎样的改变呢,一起来看看查看详情
Lady Gaga自曝正被毁灭 为粉丝强忍
学生投稿 2025-01-06
I still feel like that loser kid in high school': Lady Gaga reveals her insecurities with a flood of tears during HBO documentary Lady Gaga often appears to be the epitome of confidence with her assor查看详情
戴安娜侄女夜店放荡 丢尽英皇室脸面
学生投稿 2025-01-06
Three blonde heads, all tinted a perfect sunny platinum, with three Philip Treacy fascinators perched on top. Three beautiful faces, disconcertingly similar with wide blue eyes and a delicately femini查看详情
学生投稿 2025-01-06
导读: 5月往往是各大电视台秋季档美剧本季大结局的时间,被续订的美剧将会在今年的秋季档(通常是9月开始秋季档)上演全新一季,而悲剧被砍的美剧也在这最后的时间里抓紧给观众们留下查看详情
贝嫂穿手纸礼服开派对 迎接未来女儿
学生投稿 2025-01-06
She is famous for her posh pout。 说起维多利亚贝克汉姆,人们总会想起她绷着脸撅着嘴的一脸酷相。 But Victoria Beckham appeared to really let her guard down and have a laugh at her baby shower in Los Angeles today。 前几天,维多利亚在洛杉矶为即将出生的女查看详情
学生投稿 2025-01-06
Youths wit and wisdom 李宇春:会跳舞的文艺青年 导读: 昔日的选秀传奇,红到发紫的超级女生李宇春,经过一整年的筹备,于近期推出了全新专辑 会跳舞的文艺青年 (literary youth) 。与以往不同的是,李宇春这次不再歌颂自己的王国世界,而是走进人群,展现更柔软、更真实的自己。 Li Yuchun, the 27-year-old singer and actress,查看详情
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